Edward McWhinney
An Amendment to the Canada Elections Act assented to by the Governor General
on May 3, 2007, establishes a new, four-year term limit for the House of
Commons with its stipulation that federal general elections are to be held
on the third Monday of October in the fourth calendar year following polling
day for the last general election. This article considers whether the
new law has any effect on the traditional powers of the Governor General
to dissolve Parliament for an election.
The previous five year ceiling limit for the term of a Parliament had been
constitutionally entrenched in s.4 [1] of the Constitution Act of 1982.
There is no constitutional reason why the new, four year limit should
not be established now by statute, even if it may appear somewhat inelegant
from the legislative drafting viewpoint to join it to the provision of
a fixed date (the third Monday of October) for the holding of future general
The junction of the new ceiling limit for the House with a fixed election
date every four years may explain the suggestion in some quarters that
the recent Amendment to the Canada Elections Act may have, intentionally
or otherwise, created by legal indirection limitations on the Reserve,
Prerogative powers of the Governor General as to the granting or refusal
of a Dissolution. That this is not so is put beyond legal doubt by the
express, saving declaration to the Amendment itself:
S.56.1.[1]: Nothing in this section affects the powers of the Governor
General, including the power to dissolve Parliament at the Governor General's
The decision by Governor General Romeo LeBlanc in 1997, and then by Governor
General Adrienne Clarkson in 2000, to accede to Prime Minister Chrétien's
requests for Dissolution in each case after only three and a half years
of the then five year term and without any prior defeat of his government
brought some public criticisms of a claimed democratic deficit, and may
have contributed politically to the eventual adoption of the Elections
Act Amendment of 2007. Certainly one did not hear any very persuasive
constitutional grounds put forward by the government to support otherwise
premature Dissolutions in 1997 and 2000. In the first case, the facetious
comment was offered that an early, June election would allow a summer free
to play golf; in the second, more seriously, that the existing political
rules of the game allowed a government to go to the polls early to profit
from the political inexperience of a newly chosen Opposition leader, Stockwell
Mr. Chrétien has taken the opportunity of restating, in his memoirs, the
traditional post 1926 view of the constitutional relationship between elected
Prime Minister and non-elected Governor General that there is nothing
under our rules and traditions to prevent a Canadian prime minister from
holding a snap election at any time, except the risk of being punished
for political opportunism.1
That, of course, was Prime Minister Mackenzie
King's position on his confrontation with Governor General Lord Byng in
1926. This particular constitutional interpretation of a Prime Minister's
powers vis-à-vis the Governor General persisted for very long after the
events of 1926, in spite of the very strong contrary arguments of the eminent
constitutional historian, the late Eugene Forsey.
Contemporary re-examination of its claims as constitutional precedent for
today, however, might see King-Byng as rooted in its own historical time
dimension as a political power contest of the mid-1920s between an Imperial
agent or representative still effectively chosen and appointed by the British
government of the day, and an unusually astute Canadian politician who
was fully prepared to make political capital against a British official
in the climate of local, Canadian nationalism of the period that would
lead on, within a few years, to Dominion Status and sovereignty as recognized
in the Statute of Westminster of 1931.
Governor General Clarkson, in her own post-retirement memoirs published
in 2006, chooses to embrace a latter-day approach to King-Byng claims to
status as contemporary precedent for contemporary constitutional conflicts
or differences between Prime Minister and Governor General. She accepts
the Forsey thesis that Governor General Lord Byng was perfectly correct
constitutionally in refusing to grant the dissolution requested by King,
but that Lord Byng was simply, as a British Governor General, out-manoeuvred
politically by King in the subsequent general elections when King's hapless
successor as Prime Minister, Arthur Meighen, who had been mandated by Byng
after he had refused a Dissolution to King, was defeated in general elections
fought in part on the issue of Byng's decision.2
Since 1952, with Vincent Massey's appointment, Canadian Governors General
have all been Canadian citizens and, as such, part of the internal, Canadian,
system of constitutional checks and balances. Political inhibitions, supposedly
stemming from the past Imperial connection, as to the exercise of the Governor
General's constitutional role today in relation to the Prime Minister and
other, coordinate federal governmental institutions, have no relevance
in contemporary constitutional terms. In this context, former Governor
General Clarkson now looks back on a question that, she says, arose during
the Paul Martin minority government after the 2004 general elections: whether,
if requested by the Prime Minister for a Dissolution in his government's
early, post-elections difficulties, she should grant the Dissolution. Her
conclusion, under constitutional advisement, on the then hypothetical question:
certainly not immediately, but only after the government should have lasted
at least six months. In her words: To put the Canadian people through
an election before six months would have been irresponsible, and in that
case I would have decided in favour of the good of the Canadian people
and denied dissolution.3
The overall position expressed there is clear that the Governor General
today is not constitutionally bound automatically to accept a Prime Minister's
advice as to Dissolution: that the Governor General today does still retain
a certain discretion constitutionally. The former Governor General's pragmatic
summation, with its inbuilt counsel as to a prudent self-restraint in exercise
of Reserve, discretionary powers: I think only a very astute and politically
conscious Governor General would be about to exercise this [Reserve] authority.
And it would be justifiable only in the most exceptional of circumstances.
When all is said and done, the Governor General usually acts upon the
advice of the prime minister.4
When coupled with the principle, accepted in the Westminster Parliament
by the later 1920s, and applied in other former and present Commonwealth
Countries that retain the Westminster-style constitutional system today,
that not every defeat of a government in a House of Commons vote (and possibly
only a defeat on a formal No-Confidence motion or on a vote on the Budget
as a whole) constitutionally warrants a Prime Minister in requesting a
Dissolution, or for that matter a Governor General calling a Prime Minister
in for constitutional discussion, we reach a situation where minority government
at the federal level is seen as a politically viable solution even perhaps
to the limits of the new four year statutory ceiling term. A Prime Minister
would still retain the right, according to the existing long-standing Constitutional
Conventions, after suffering a succession of defeats in House votes on
non-substantial legislative measures a death of a thousand cuts to
approach the Governor General to request a Dissolution: the Governor General,
under the same long-standing Conventions, would retain the right to consult
with the Opposition as to the possibilities of forming an alternative government
without the need for a Dissolution and fresh general elections.
In the latter situation, existing well-established practice in Commonwealth
constitutional Law and Conventions suggests that the Governor General,
before acting to withdraw the mandate from an incumbent Prime Minister,
is entitled to be satisfied, beyond reasonable doubt, of the political
capacity of Opposition parties to be able to form, and then maintain for
a sufficient time period, an alternative government that commands the support
of a numerical majority of House members. The developed practice is to
insist on formal commitments to that effect, in writing, which would include
any conditions attached by Opposition forces to their support for a proposed
new government, the time duration of such support, and also, crucially,
the number of votes that are being committed sufficient to constitute a
new, continuing majority in the House.
1. Jean Chrétien, My Years as Prime Minister, 2007, p. 199.
2. Adrienne Clarkson, Heart Matters, 2006, pp, 191-2.
3. Ibid., p. 192.
4. Ibid.