| Alberta
| British Columbia
| Manitoba
| New Brunswick
| Newfoundland and Labrador
| Ontario
| Quebec
| Saskatchewan
| Senate
| House of Commons
New Brunswick
Since the last legislative report, the Fifty-third
Legislature was dissolved, New Brunswick voters elected a Progressive
Conservative Government in a provincial general election, the Fifty-fourth
Legislature opened briefly to elect a Speaker and to strike standing and select
committees, and the second session adjourned in December, after sitting three
During the last session of the Fifty-third Legislative
Assembly, Members passed a new Members' Conflict of
Interest Act. The conflict legislation as it pertains to elected officials
will no longer be administered by the Courts but by a Conflict of Interest
Commissioner. The new Act contains post-employment restrictions for former
ministers (one-year cooling-off period) and makes public disclosure statements
accessible by the public. Former Chief Justice Stuart
Stratton was appointed New Brunswick's first Conflict of Interest
Commissioner effective February 1, 2000.
The Fourth Session adjourned on March 12, 1999; the House
was dissolved on May 8, and the writ of election was issued. At dissolution the
standings in the House were Liberals, 45; Progressive Conservatives, 9; and New
As a result of the provincial general election held June 7,
1999, the Progressive Conservative Party led by Bernard
Lord assumed the reins of government winning 44 seats, the Liberals, 10; and
New Democrats, 1; almost a complete reversal of the composition of the House.
Mr. Lord, a former Leader of the Official Opposition, was
first elected in a by-election held October 19, 1998, to represent the electoral
district of Moncton East, and became, at 33, the country's youngest and New
Brunswick's 30th Premier.
In the final analysis, 37 new Members were elected and the
two major party offices experienced enormous staff turnover and workload
increased for staff in all areas of Assembly operations.
The Fifty-fourth Legislative Assembly was called into
session on July 6, 1999, the Members having taken their Oath of Office in a
ceremony that morning. The first Order of Business was to elect a Speaker. The
Clerk presided over the election. Although the names of four Members remained on
the list of eligible candidates, Government House Leader Brad Green (Fredericton South) advised that three of
the four candidates wished to have their names withdrawn. He requested that the
election requirement be dispensed with the unanimous consent of the House.
The Clerk advised that pursuant to the Standing Rules,
Members could withdraw as candidates after the first ballot, unless the House
wished to dispense with this requirement and, if so, the Clerk would abide by
the wishes of the House. Agreement to dispense was granted and each of the three
members rose, in turn, indicating an intention to withdraw.
Harrison, the Member for Hampton-Belleisle, the only candidate whose
name remained, was therefore declared elected. As is the tradition, Premier Lord
and Opposition Leader Camille Thériault, (Kent
South), dragged the 'reluctant' Mr. Harrison to the Chair.
Lieutenant-Governor Marilyn
Trenholme Counsell delivered a brief Speech from the Throne outlining part
of the government's Legislative agenda.
The House unanimously passed a motion to ratify and approve
all procedures for the election of Speaker that had taken place during the
course of the day's proceedings, and dispensed with the customary address in
Reply to the Speech from the Throne, the formal debate thereon, and the
introduction of the pro forma Bill.
Following the tabling by Speaker Harrison of the official
election returns of the provincial general election held June 7, 1999, standing
and select committees were appointed on motion of the Premier. Three new select
committees were appointed.
- The Select Committee on Education chaired by Patricia Crossman (Riverview) is charged with
examining, inquiring into, and reporting to the House with respect to the
education system in New Brunswick.
- The Select Committee on Health Care chaired by Madeleine Dubé (Edmundston) is charged with
examining, inquiring into, and reporting to the House with respect to the
delivery of health care in New Brunswick.
- The Select Committee to Review Appointments by the
Lieutenant-Governor in Council chaired by Eric
MacKenzie (Fredericton-Fort Nashwaak) is to review nominees to key
positions on selected agencies, boards and commissions to be recommended to
the Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council with respect to the capability of nominees
submitted to it by the Government House Leader on behalf of the
Deputy Speakers, Keith
Ashfield, Member for the electoral district of New Maryland, and Joel Bernard, Member for the electoral district of
Nepisiguit, were appointed, on motion, and will serve as Chairmen of the
Committees of the Whole House. The House prorogued immediately thereafter,
ending what may have been the shortest session in the history of the New
Brunswick Legislature. Committees began scheduling a variety of activities
commencing in late August.
The Second Session of the Fifty-fourth Legislative
Assembly, opened on November 30, 1999, and sat until December 17, 1999, before
adjourning to February 8, 2000.
Among the government's priorities outlined in the Speech
from the Throne were those set out in the document New
Vision - New Brunswick: to create open and responsive government, to change
the way government works, to renew health care, to build new job opportunities,
to manage smarter and lower taxes, to invest in education, and to create a new
standard of accountability with respect to the government's 200 Days of Change
Action Plan.
The Throne Speech outlined the government's intention to
enhance the role of MLAs in the democratic system by introducing a consultation
paper for consideration as the first step in the development of a new MLA Responsibility Act. This Act will, among other
things, require each MLA to hold at least two public meetings per year. This
reinforced role for MLAs and the Legislature promises to bring even greater
public accountability. For the first time, the province's Hospital Corporations
will appear before the Crown Corporations Committee in another move to improve
In responding to the Speech from the Throne, Official
Opposition Leader Thériault characterized it as a government feel-good Throne
Speech filled with fluff, self praise and platitudes. He contended that the real
priorities of government are reflected in the budget and he was critical that
the government was not proceeding with a capital budget.
As promised in the Speech from the Throne, the House
adopted a unanimous resolution "calling on the Government of Canada to fully
restore the Canada Health and Social Transfer to 1994-95 levels, with an
appropriate escalator, and to eliminate the ceiling on equalization, thus
supporting the consensus reached by provincial and territorial leaders."
The House adopted the Standing Committee on Procedure's
report which recommended changes to the sitting hours including the elimination
of early morning starting times and evening sittings. The House sits Tuesday and
Thursday from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. and Wednesday and Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Another recommendation of the Procedure Committee, that the
use of laptops be allowed in the Chamber on a trial basis during the current
session subject to certain restrictions, was also adopted. Laptops will be
permitted for use in the Committee of the Whole and the Committee of Supply
only; they must be programmed to operate silently and in a stand-alone fashion,
and must not be connected to the Legislative Assembly network; and they must not
be used by any Member who has the floor or who is involved in the exchange of
remarks. Monitoring the use of laptops will remain under the jurisdiction of the
Speaker and other Chair occupants and will be reviewed at the conclusion of the
session to determine whether the use of laptops has interfered with the work of
the Members or the House.
Of the 18 Bills introduced during the 12-day sitting, three
received Royal Assent: Bills 17 and 18 amend the Teachers' Pension Act, and Bill 12, a Private Member's
Public Bill, An Act to Proclaim Holocaust Memorial Day
Yom haShoah in New Brunswick, introduced by Mr. MacKenzie.
The Second Session of the 54th Legislative Assembly of New
Brunswick is scheduled to reconvene February 8, 2000, and it is anticipated that
the government will introduce a number of substantive Bills as it moves to
fulfill its mandate and implement the priorities outlined in the Speech from the
Diane Taylor
Myles Research Officer
Newfoundland and
The First Session of the 44th General Assembly opened on March 16th, 1999. Lloyd Snow
(Trinity-Bay de Verde) was re-elected Speaker, Douglas
Oldford (Trinity North) as Deputy Speaker and Chairman of Committees and Gerald Smith (Port au Port) Deputy Chairman of
Committees. On March 22nd Paul Dicks, MHA (Humber West) delivered the Budget
Speech. The provincial budget for the 1999/2000 fiscal year is $3,535,653,800.
On March 24th a nurses’ strike began. One week later
the House passed legislation requiring the nurses to return to work. During the
debate on April 1st the Speaker found it
necessary to clear the Galleries twice. In a comment made after the
clearing of the Galleries he stated that it was not necessary to clear the Press
Gallery when the Public Galleries are cleared.
At midnight on March 31st,
as the House was sitting, in recognition of the 50th anniversary of
Confederation the Premier sought and obtained unanimous consent for the Members
to sing “O Canada” and “The Ode To Newfoundland”.
The Speaker ruled in response to a point of privilege
raised by the Member for Signal Hill-Quidi Vidi that the Chair’s failure to
recognize him regularly during Oral Questions was not a breach of privilege and
that criteria for recognition as a parliamentary group in the House were a
matter for the House and not the Speaker to decide.
A Select Committee was struck on May 12th to review the Standing Orders including the matter
of recognition as a parliamentary group in the House. The criteria for
recognition were agreed upon but not included in the amendments to the Standing
Orders. The number of Members required for recognition is three. The group must
also be a registered party in accordance with the Elections Act and have contested two-thirds of the
seats in the House at the previous General Election. The Committee tabled their
report on December 13th and the amendments
recommended were adopted the following day.
Among the amendments adopted are the following:
- The election of the Speaker by secret ballot
- The abolition of appeals of Speakers’ rulings
- The inclusion of a provision allowing the Speaker to
expel a Member for disregarding the authority of the Chair
- The elimination of Friday sittings and the addition of an
extra hour on three of the other four days
- The elimination of the Thursday adjournment debate
- The inclusion of a Members’ Statements period at the
beginning of each sitting day
- Some streamlining of the Supply procedure to eliminate
purely formal stages
- The inclusion of a Parliamentary Calendar in the practice
notes as a guide to enable Members
to plan their
annual agendas with a greater degree of certainty than they could previously.
These amendments will come into effect the beginning of the
Spring Session.
The House of Assembly adopted a resolution on April 29th requesting the Parliament of Canada to amend the
Constitution to change the name of the province officially to Newfoundland and
On December 16th after the
Christmas adjournment, the House convened in special session for the unveiling
of a plaque commemorating the 50th anniversary
of Confederation. The plaque bears the names of the Members of the first
Assembly after Confederation and of the present MHAs. All present and
former MHAs were invited. Only four of the original Members are still
living. They are James R. Chalker who
represented the district of Harbour Grace, Harold
Horwood who represented Labrador, Samuel Drover
who represented White Bay and Maxwell Button who
represented Trinity South.
The House of Assembly is expected to reconvene in
Murphy Clerk Assistant and Clerk of
The 1st Session of the
36th Legislature commenced on November 18, 1999
with the election of a new Speaker by secret ballot. George Hickes, NDP, Member for the Constituency of
Point Douglas, was elected as Manitoba's first Inuit Speaker. Mr. Hickes has
served 10 years as a Member of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, first being
elected in the General Election of 1990.
Conrad Santos
was appointed Deputy Speaker on November 18, 1999. Mr.
Santos was first elected to the Legislative Assembly in 1981 representing the
NDP in the constituency of Broadway. With the revisions to the electoral
boundaries that passed in the spring of 1999, the electoral division of Broadway
was eliminated. Mr. Santos now represents the electoral division of
Wellington. Harry Schellenberg, MLA for Rossmere,
and Bonnie Korzeniowski, MLA for St. James were each
appointed Chairpersons of the Committees of the Whole House.
On November 25, 1999, Peter
Liba, Lieutenant Governor, presented the Speech from the Throne. The Leader
of the Official Opposition moved an amendment to the Throne Speech which was
defeated. The main motion to the Throne Speech was agreed to on December 9,
During the debate on the Throne Speech, an all-party
agreement was reached to introduce an emergency resolution regarding the crisis
in Manitoba's farming community. The Minister of Agriculture and Food, Rosann Wowchuk, sponsored this resolution. The Official
Opposition moved a friendly amendment to the resolution. On November 30, the
main motion, as amended, was agreed to, unanimously. The resolution called for
the Federal Government to take immediate action and grant Manitoba's request for
$300 million for Manitoba's farm families.
Two pieces of legislation received speedy passage during
the brief 14 day session. Bill No. 3 – The Retail
Businesses Holiday Closing Amendment Act; was passed in order to clarify the
intent of certain sections of the existing Act. A provision of the Act as it
existed allowed a business to open on a Sunday, with no restrictions to hours,
if the business was closed on the Saturday. This year a dilemma arose whereby
Christmas day fell on Saturday thereby closing businesses and Boxing Day, a
statutory holiday in Manitoba, fell on Sunday. The existing Act allowed
municipalities to pass a by-law that permitted businesses in their communities
to open on Sundays from 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. The amendments included in Bill
No. 3 will clarify the Act making it very clear that Sunday shopping hours were
to remain as was originally stated in the Act regardless of whether a business
was closed on the preceding Saturday. The Bill received Royal Assent on December
6, 1999.
The second piece of legislation to receive fast tracked
approval was Bill No. 2 – The City of Winnipeg Amendment
Act. This bill was introduced as a result of a rash of arson fires in
Winnipeg in general, but specifically in the inner city. In most cases, the
arsonists were targeting vacant, boarded up properties, but several
well-established businesses were also destroyed by fire. The purpose of this
bill, as referenced in the bill's Explanatory Notes, was to allow the City of
Winnipeg to register several types of orders against the land or property:
orders prohibiting nuisances, orders regulating untidy and unsightly premises,
orders issued by the health officer regarding unsanitary premises, orders
requiring compliance with city by-laws regarding fire prevention and orders
requiring compliance with city by-laws regarding building standards. This Bill
received Royal Assent on December 14, 1999.
The Legislative Session adjourned on December 14, 1999. The
date of the commencement of the Spring session has not yet been announced.
McKerlie-Korol Clerk Assistant
On Monday December 6, 1999, the 24th Legislature opened
with the traditional speech from the Throne. The first order of business was the
election of Speaker. Liberal MLA Ron Osika
(Melville) was the sole candidate and became the province's 21st Speaker. Kim Trew (Regina Coronation Park) was elected Deputy
Speaker while Peter Prebble (Saskatoon Greystone)
was appointed Deputy Chair of Committees of the Whole.
The main focus of the two-week session
was the farm income crisis. The importance MLAs placed upon this issue was
underscored by the extraordinary lengths the Assembly went to in affording the
opportunity to debate the various aspects of this issue and to find solutions to
the crisis. On one day, the regular business was set aside to debate an
emergency resolution on the provision of an agricultural trade equalization
payment. On another day, a farm Bill on agricultural equipment was passed
through all stages and granted royal assent.
The Assembly also took the unprecedented step of allowing
the Standing Committee on Agriculture to have its hearings in the legislative
chamber. Farmers and representatives of farm organizations were invited to
address the committee and to then respond to questions. The choice of venue
enabled the committee's proceedings to be televised province-wide on the
legislative channel and for the audio to be broadcast on the Internet via the
Assembly's website. The additional space in the public galleries enabled more
individuals to observe the presentations in person than would normally have been
possible in a committee room. The Chamber itself was full as MLAs remained in
their seats to listen to the witnesses.
The new year promises to be a busy time for legislative
committees as three special committees have been appointed, in addition to the
usual complement of standing committees.
Mr. Prebble and Arlene Julé
(Humboldt) are the co-chairs of the Special Committee to Prevent the Abuse and
Exploitation of Children through the Sex Trade. This committee will travel to
locations around the province to hold public hearings and to develop
recommendations on government, community and police action to address the sexual
abuse of children involved in prostitution.
The Special Committee on Tobacco Control has been holding
public hearings around the province to review the impact of tobacco use on
youth, tobacco control legislation, tobacco use bylaws and enforcement
strategies. Under the chairmanship of Myron Kowalsky
(Prince Albert Carlton), the committee is expected to present its report to the
Assembly later this spring.
A Special Committee on Rules and Procedures has been
established to hold meetings to examine “… the rules, procedures, practices and
powers of the Legislative Assembly, its operations and organization, and the
facilities and services provided to the Assembly, its committees and Members.”
The Throne Speech also indicated that the Standing
Committee on Crown Corporations would be asked to review and recommend
legislation regarding a permanent body to review the province's monopoly utility
rates. This mandate is in addition to its regular responsibility of scrutinizing
the operations of the provincial crown corporations.
Installation of
New Lieutenant Governor
On December 9,1999, Lynda
Haverstock was named as the Lieutenant Governor Designate for the province
of Saskatchewan. Dr. Haverstock is a clinical psychologist and a former Member
of the Legislative Assembly. She will assume the vice-regal position on February
21, 2000 when the term of the Hon. John E.N. Wiebe
comes to a close.
There has been an application under the Controverted Elections Act regarding the results of the
Saskatoon Southeast constituency which Pat Lorje
won. This was submitted by the Saskatchewan Party. The Saskatchewan Party
has also indicated that they intend to make a similar application regarding the
Wood River result but as of February 1 had not filed the application with the
Margaret A.
Woods Clerk Assistant
The British Columbia Legislative Assembly has been
adjourned since July 15, 1999 and is expected to open the fourth session of the
36th Parliament in the coming weeks. Since adjournment, legislators' attention
has shifted to the work of a number of active committees. Government members
have also been occupied with various aspects of the provincial New Democratic
Party leadership contest, which recently concluded with the selection of
Attorney General Ujjal Dosanjh as the party's new
Legislative Committees
Several standing and special committees have continued
their work over the past few months. The Select Standing Committee on
Agriculture and Fisheries, with New Democratic Party MLA Bill Hartley (Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows) as Chair, and
Liberal MLA Bill Barisoff (Okanagan-Boundary) as
Deputy Chair, is conducting its final deliberations reviewing agricultural and
food policy in British Columbia. The Committee conducted public hearings in
fourteen rural communities this autumn and heard over 325 oral submissions. The
Committee intends to present its agri-food policy recommendations to the
Legislature early in the next session.
The Select Standing Committee on Forests, Energy, Mines and
Petroleum Resources has reconvened to complete its statutory review the
1999/2000 Business Plan of Forest Renewal BC, a provincial crown corporation.
And the Select Standing Committee on Parliamentary Reform, Ethical Conduct,
Standing Orders and Private Bills is expected to table its report reviewing the
Members' Conflict of Interest Act early in the next
Since October, the Select Standing Committee on Public
Accounts has reviewed numerous Auditor General reports on issues such as the
management of woodlot licences, training and development in the provincial
public service, and government travel practices.
The Public Accounts Committee also spent two days reviewing
the government's troubled fast-ferry program. However, government committee
members passed a motion on January 25, which effectively ended the committee's
investigation into the controversial program. The government members argued that
the committee was inevitably going to accept the recommendations of the Auditor
General's report on fast ferries, and that the further deliberations on the
topic would unnecessarily prolong the work of the committee. However, the
Liberal members, including Committee Chair Rick
Thorpe (Okanagan-Penticton), objected to the motion, expressing
disappointment that the Committee would not be able to hear from a number of
remaining witnesses or to consider any further recommendations in addition to
ones already specified by Auditor General George
The three Special Committees currently active have met with
various levels of success over the past few months.
First, the Special Committee to Appoint an Auditor General
has completed interviews with a number of prospective applicants seeking to
succeed British Columbia's outgoing Auditor General who will be stepping down in
April. The Committee expects to recommend the appointment of their selected
candidate once the House reconvenes.
Secondly, the Special Committee on Information Privacy in
the Private Sector, chaired by NDP member Rick
Kasper, (Malahat - Juan de Fuca) is investigating the use of personal
information in private sector transactions. To date the Committee has held three
public hearings and received a number of written submissions.
One question before this Special Committee is to consider
the development of legislation to protect personal information held within the
private sector. British Columbia currently protects personal information held in
its public sector through the Freedom of Information and
Protection of Privacy Act. However, this protection has not, as yet, been
extended to the private sector. The Committee's work has been influenced by the
federal government's re-introduction of Bill C-6, the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents
Act (PIPED). The PIPED Act will legislate
privacy protection in the private sector for federally regulated commercial
activities. But three years later, it purports to apply to all commercial
activities in British Columbia and other provinces unless a province has enacted
“substantially similar” private sector privacy legislation.
Finally, the Special Committee on International Trade and
Investment Agreements which was established to examine review British Columbia's
international trade and investment agreements has met with some challenges in
recent weeks.
Like its predecessor, the Special Committee on the
Multilateral Agreement, the committee has been compromised by Liberal members'
refusal to participate.
The Liberal members object to the creation and mandate of
the committee, as well as the role of former premier Glen Clark (Vancouver-Kingsway) as Committee Chair.
Following attendance at World Trade Organization events in
Seattle in December, the committee embarked on a review of British Columbia's
Softwood Lumber Agreement (SLA). But, the Liberal committee members' refusal to
participate was compounded by a lack of enthusiasm from forest industry
representatives who were hesitant to discuss the status of sensitive SLA
NDP Leadership
On February 20, the governing New Democratic Party selected
a new leader to replace interim Premier Dan Miller
(North Coast). Attorney General Ujjal Dosanjh
(Vancouver-Kensington) made history, as he was successful in his bid to become
the first Indo-Canadian premier in Canadian history. The leadership contest
started as a four-way race, but ended as a two-way battle between Mr. Dosanjh
and Minister of Agriculture and Food Corky Evans
(Nelson-Creston) after the other candidates, including Minister of Education
Gordon Wilson (Powell River-Sunshine Coast) dropped
out before the first ballot. However, the leadership convention was overshadowed
by the criticisms of the delegate selection process, which sparked an internal
investigation by the party into the sudden influx of 11,000 new members who had
joined the party in recent few months.
Roddick, representing the B.C. Liberal Party, was elected as MLA
for Delta South in the December 7th by-election resulting from the death of Fred Gingell. Following the swearing in of Ms. Roddick
on January 19, the party standings in the legislature are 40 NDP, 34 Liberal,
and 1 independent.
Staff Changes
The Legislative Assembly recently bid farewell to its
departing Hansard Director, Peter Robbins who
retired in January following a 20-year career with the Hansard office. Tony Dambrauskas, former Director of the Parliamentary
Publications Directorate at the House of Commons has succeeded Mr. Robbins.
Ryan-Lloyd Committee Clerk
House of
At the start of proceedings on November 16, 1999, Speaker
Gilbert Parent rendered a decision on the question
of privilege raised by Jean-Paul Marchand (Quebec
East, BQ) on Monday, November 1, 1999, regarding a civil suit brought against
him by a Senator who objected to the content of a document that Mr. Marchand had
sent to his constituents. The Member argued that the Senator's action
constituted contempt of the House of Commons and a violation of his right to
free speech as an elected member of the House. After reviewing the facts, the
Speaker concluded that there had been no violation of the Member's freedom of
speech since the incident concerned information contained in a document
distributed by the Member to his constituents and did not involve parliamentary
proceedings. The protection of parliamentary privilege thus did not apply. With
respect to the Member's complaint against the Senator, the Speaker said that
since the two Houses are wholly independent of each other, neither can claim,
much less exercise, any authority over a member of the other House. He ruled
that this question did not constitute a question of privilege or contempt of the
Public Bill –
Amendment Motions at Report Stage
At the start of Government Orders on December 2, 1999, and
following the Chair's ruling on the selection and grouping of amendment motions
at report stage of Bill C-9, An Act to give effect to
the Nisga'a Final Agreement, Randy White
(Langley--Abbotsford, Ref.) rose on a point of order regarding an amendment to
attach the Final Agreement to the Bill as a schedule. That amendment had not
been selected. The Speaker rendered down his decision on December 6, 1999,
saying that the problem posed by the amendment was not covered by any defined
usage or explicit procedural rule, and that after consulting decisions made by
his predecessors, he realized that they had never been called on to address this
particular issue. He therefore decided, for this time only, to give the Member
the benefit of the doubt and to allow the amendment to be considered by the
House Proceedings
– Extension Beyond the Normal Time of Adjournment
During report stage of Bill C-9, Reform Party members
caused a recorded division to be taken on each of the 471 proposed amendments.
Voting started in the evening of December 7 and continued without interruption
until December 9. Some members raised points of order to ask the Chair why the
calendar on the Clerk's table indicated that it was December 7 even though it
was by then December 8. The Acting Speaker, Yolande
Thibeault, replied that the calendar had not been changed because the
sitting was still that of December 7. After the last amendment was voted on, the
Acting Speaker adjourned the House at 12:20 p.m. until the next day, December
10, pursuant to Standing Order 24(1).
Divisions –
During the deferred recorded divisions at report stage of
Bill C-9, John Nunziata (York South--Weston, Ind.)
rose on a point of order regarding his pairing with the Secretary of State
(Science, Research and Development), Gilbert
Normand, between December 2 and December 7, saying he wished to know if the
pairing was still in effect given that the House was continuing to sit into
December 8. Acting Speaker Yolande Thibeault said
that pairing is a private matter between two Members, but agreed to take the
matter under advisement. Later, the Speaker rendered a decision noting that
pairing is recognized in Standing Order 44.1, which deals with the Register of
Paired Members who do not intend to take part in a recorded division on the date
indicated and the entry of such Members' names in the Journals, but that the
Standing Orders are silent on the reasons why Members are not taking part and on
the question of a broken pair. He reiterated what the Acting Speaker had said
earlier, that pairing is a private arrangement between two Members.
Debate – Motion
That the House Do Now Adjourn
On December 13, 1999, during Government Orders and the
debate at third reading on Bill C-9, Claude Bachand
(Saint-Jean, BQ) moved that the House adjourn forthwith. Acting Speaker Ian McClelland ruled the motion out of order because
consideration of the Bill was the subject of a special order (time allocation
motion) and that under Standing Order 25, only a Minister of the Crown may move
a motion to adjourn.
Supply –
Appropriation Bill – Admissibility
Also on December 13, 1999, during Government Orders, John Williams (St. Albert, Ref.) rose on a point of
order regarding Bill C-21, Appropriation Act No. 3,
1999-2000. According to the Member, clause 6(2) of the Bill was an attempt
to obtain approval for expenditures over a two-year period, from April 1, 1999,
to March 31, 2001, which is contrary to the practice set out in Beauchesne's 6th
edition, citation 933. In addition, the Bill's title did not reflect its
contents, because the title did not include expenditures anticipated into the
year 2001. For these reasons, he asked that the Bill be ruled out of order.
Later, the Speaker handed down his decision, to the effect that the multi-year
appropriation authority was based on legislation passed in 1998, when two
government agencies were authorized to carry over into 2001 any moneys not spent
by the end of the 1999-2000 fiscal year, as provided by clause 6(2) in both the
June bill and this current Bill. He therefore ruled that the Bill was
Rodrigue Procedural Clerk Journals Branch
This report covers the Senate sittings of December 1999 and
the first two weeks of February 2000, a period that saw some interesting debate
in the Chamber as well as considerable committee activity. Traditionally, the
Senate tries to conduct its affairs by consensus and it is often flexible with
respect to procedure in order to expedite the legislative process. Two examples
are highlighted in this report.
Pre-study of a bill by a committee used to be a common
practice in the Senate and was often referred to as “the Hayden formula” named
after the former long-term chair of the Banking, Trade and Commerce Committee,
Salter Hayden. In recent years, however, this
practice has been rarely used. But on November 24 the subject matter of Bill
C-6, Personal Information Protection and Electronic
Documents Act, was referred to the Committee on Social Affairs, Science and
Technology with instructions to report back in two reports, one dealing with
Part 1 of the bill and the other dealing with Parts 2 to 5, with completion of
debate on second reading to follow. Sending the subject-matter to committee was
a compromise. The bill was held up at second reading stage because many Senators
were uncomfortable with the broad scope of the bill, feeling it was really two
bills in one. Part 1 of the bill dealt with the protection of personal
information collected in the course of commercial activity, while Parts 2 to 5
validated the use of electronic documents and processes under various Acts to
facilitate electronic commerce with the Government of Canada. In the end, the
committee reported the bill with amendments, and the Senate concurred in the
report on division. The bill was then read a third time, as amended, and sent to
the House of Commons.
Usually the decision referring a bill to a committee is a
straight-forward one. But following a debate in which Senators explained that
the issues raised in Bill S-3, Income Tax Conventions
Implementation Act, 1999, fell properly under the mandate of two committees,
the Senate decided to send the bill to both committees. Bill S-3 was first
referred to the Banking, Trade and Commerce Committee to deal with its taxation
provisions and then to the Foreign Affairs Committee to examine the bilateral
relations aspects of the bill. However, this motion and the process used to
implement it, caused some procedural challenges. Immediately following the
presentation of the report of the Banking Committee, without amendment, the
Speaker announced that pursuant to a special order of the Senate, Bill S-3 was
now referred to the Standing Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs. A point of
order was raised immediately by Noel Kinsella,
Deputy Leader of the Opposition, challenging the intervention of the Speaker
concerning the referral of the bill to the Foreign Affairs Committee. The
Speaker subsequently ruled that due to the Senate's instructions, and the
conflict with the Rules requiring a bill to proceed to third reading stage at
the next sitting when reported without amendment, there had to be a mechanism to
have the bill referred to the other committee.
Only one question of privilege was raised during the period
under review. Lise Bacon, Chair of the Committee on
Transportation and Communications, raised the matter of the unauthorized release
of working drafts of the report of the committee. This matter was similar to an
earlier complaint of a leak of the draft report of the Aboriginal Peoples
Committee. The Speaker ruled immediately that a prima
facie case had been made and the question was referred to the Committee on
Privileges, Standing Rules and Orders.
Several bills that had been before the Senate in the
previous session were introduced again. However, when Donald Oliver moved that the materials and evidence
gathered during a prior study of Bill S-6, An Act to
amend the Criminal Code respecting criminal harassment and other related
matters, be referred to the Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee, some
doubts were expressed about the procedure. The Speaker nexplained that since it
had been the frequent practice of the Senate to refer papers and evidence
received in the previous session to a committee examining the same bill or
topic, he ruled that the motion of Senator Oliver was in order.
At second reading stage of Bill S-7, An Act respecting the declaration of Royal Assent by the
Governor General in the Queen's name to bills passed by the Houses of
Parliament, Anne Cools proposed an amendment to
delay second reading until certain conditions had been met regarding royal
consent. John Lynch-Staunton, Leader of the
Opposition, raised a point of order. In his ruling, the Speaker addressed the
two elements that were at issue. First, the Speaker noted that any amendment to
a second reading motion that set a condition was out of order on its face. With
respect to the issue of royal consent and whether it was required for a bill
proposing to provide an alternative to the traditional ceremony of royal assent,
the Speaker decided that there was insufficient evidence before him to resolve
the matter conclusively. Canadian practice, however, suggested that when royal
consent was signified, it was usually given in the House of Commons and rarely
in the Senate. Accordingly, the Speaker ruled that he had heard nothing that
would delay debate of the bill, although he did propose that if the bill
received second reading, the issue of royal consent be studied by the committee
to which it is referred.
Senate committees often make a valuable contribution to the
legislative process and public policy development in Canada by carrying out
in-depth, thoughtful and non-partisan studies. In the past three months, one
committee completed a study undertaken during the autumn and two others issued
reports on special studies that had been initiated during the previous session.
Other committees outlined their work programs, setting out the parameters for
special studies in the areas of agriculture, fisheries, environment, social
affairs, and banking.
With a mandate from the Senate to examine the airline
industry, the Committee on Transportation and Communications conducted hearings
throughout the fall before tabling a report in December entitled Airline Industry Restructuring in Canada. Having
concluded that the structure of the airline industry was likely to be dominated
by one owner controlling about 90% of domestic traffic, the committee made 19
recommendations aimed at protecting the customer and promoting some competition.
This would be done through the growth of small regional carriers and the removal
of obstacles to new entrants.
The Foreign Affairs Committee has a long history of
examining developments in Europe, including its 1973 benchmark study on Canadian Relations with the European Community and a
1996 report on the state of integration in Europe. With Europe now moving ahead
with economic and monetary union, the committee decided it was worthwhile to
re-examine the subject of European integration. In November the committee
released its study entitled Europe Revised: Consequences
of Increased European Integration for Canada. The committee is also
completing a special study on the ramifications to Canada of the changed mandate
of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and Canada's role since the end
of the Cold War and the increased membership in NATO.
In the fall of 1997 the Committee on Aboriginal Peoples
began a special study to follow up on the work of the Royal Commission on
Aboriginal Peoples. A key element of the Commission's report had been the
creation of a new relationship with Aboriginal peoples leading to
self-government and the committee decided to focus its work on that issue. As
part of its special study the committee created a Round Table on Governance
composed of committee members, representatives of national Aboriginal
organizations, traditional and hereditary leaders. The presence of Aboriginal
leaders within this process demonstrated that Parliament is serious in its will
to establish a new kind of relationship with Aboriginal peoples. The results of
this special study were released in a report in February entitled Forging New Relationships: Aboriginal Governance in
The Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology is
embarking on a multi-phase, multi-faceted study of the state of the health care
system. This study will examine the fundamental principles of Canada's publicly
funded health care system; its historical development; publicly funded health
care systems in other countries; the pressures and constraints on Canada's
current health care system; and the role of the federal government. Although the
final report is scheduled for December 2002, the committee has indicated that it
will issue interim reports on specific subjects throughout the study period. The
first of these reports will be released in June 2000.
In 1995 the Special Committee on Euthanasia and Assisted
Suicide tabled its report entitled Of Life And
Death. This study has been widely recognized for bringing the topic of
assisted suicide for discussion in the public domain. More than 10,000 copies of
the report have been distributed and it is used extensively in courses for
physicians and other health professionals. In November a subcommittee was
established to examine the progress in the implementation of the unanimous
recommendations and to report on the developments in Canada respecting the
issues raised with in the original report.
The implementation of recommendations in committee reports
is one measure of the time and effort taken by Senators to give “sober, second
thought” to public policy questions facing Canadians. On November 4 the
Government introduced Bill S-10, An Act to amend the
National Defence Act, the DNA Identification Act and the Criminal Code. In
its Sixteenth Report (December 1998), the Committee on Legal and Constitutional
Affairs had recommended certain changes to strengthen the DNA data bank
legislation, and supported the Solicitor General's proposal to address those
changes later in a separate bill. Bill S-10 reflects the recommendations
proposed by the committee. The Minister requested that the bill be introduced in
the Senate so that all concerns were appropriately addressed before proceeding
to the House of Commons.
In November two long-serving members of the Senate retired:
John Stewart (Nova Scotia) served 15 years in the
Senate as well as 6 years in the House of Commons (1962-68) and Derek Lewis (Newfoundland) who was a member of the
Senate for more than 21 years. Shortly before Christmas, James Balfour (Saskatchewan) died after a lengthy
illness. His 27-year parliamentary career included 20 years in the Senate and 7
years in the House of Commons.
In November, Rose-Marie Losier-Cool
was nominated to serve as Speaker pro tempore, a position that had been
vacant for some time.
There were several changes among the senior staff of the
Senate. Richard Greene, Deputy Clerk of the Senate
and Principal Clerk, Legislative Services, retired after a career spanning 42
years in the Senate. In recognition of his long service, he was appointed
Honorary Officer of the Senate. Gary O'Brien was
appointed as the new Deputy Clerk of the Senate and Principal Clerk, Legislative
Services. Heather Lank replaced him as Principal
Clerk, Committees and Private Legislation Directorate. Charles Robert was promoted to the position of
Principal Clerk, Procedure.
Reynolds Committee Clerk
The National Assembly adjourned its fall session on
December 17, 1999. Since our last article was published last November, the
Assembly passed 29 Government bills, 8 private bills, and two private Members'
public bills. The following are the more noteworthy of these:
- the Act to amend the Act
respecting labour standards as regards differences in treatment, which, as
regards matters covered by labour standards, prohibits differences in
treatment based solely on the date of hiring between employees performing the
same tasks in the same establishment;
- the Act to amend the Act
respecting the Société des loteries du Québec, whose object is to prohibit
the operator of a business from selling to a minor a lottery ticket for a
lottery scheme conducted and administered by Loto-Québec;
- the Act to proclaim Holocaust-Yom
Hashoah Memorial Day in Québec, whose object is to proclaim Holocaust-Yom
Hashoah Memorial Day in Quebec, as determined each year by the Jewish lunar
On December 8, 1999, the Speaker of the Assembly rendered
his decision, regarding the constitutional principle of the financial initiative
of the Crown, on Bill 390, An Act to amend the Act
respecting the Ministère du Revenu, with regard to the recovery of an amount
under a fiscal law, introduced by the Member for Beauce-Sud:
The Member was granted leave to introduce Bill 390 since
this is not a bill which, in pursuance of the constitutional principle of the
Crown's financial initiative, may be introduced only by a Minister on the
grounds that it has a financial impact.
Pursuant to section 30 of the Act
respecting the National Assembly, a bill has a financial impact when its
object is to commit public funds, create a charge on the taxpayers, remit a debt
owing to the Province or alienate property owned by the Province. Therefore,
notwithstanding that Bill 390 may eventually have an indirect financial impact
on the Province's revenues, it does not commit public funds. Moreover, the
bill's object is not to remit a debt owing to the Province, as it does not aim
to relieve a debtor of his debt to the Province. Finally, the bill does not aim
to create a charge to the taxpayers, nor to alienate property owned by the
At the same sitting, the Speaker of the Assembly gave a
ruling on the question of privilege raised by the Member for Hull concerning the
approval of a loan by-law by the Minister of State for Municipal Affairs and
Greater Montreal:
The facts adduced by the Member do not constitute a prima facie contempt of Parliament, since they have no
effect on the process by which Bill 81 will be considered by the National
Assembly. The Minister's approval of by-law 99-11 of the Municipalité de
Mont-Tremblant in no way hinders the work of the Members. In approving this
by-law, the Minister did not avail herself of legislative provisions that have
yet to be passed by the Assembly.
Furthermore, the fact that the Chair took under advisement
a matter of privilege concerning Bill 81 does not prevent the Government House
leader from convening the Committee on Planning and the Public Domain for the
consideration of this Bill. Even if the Chair had, at first sight, come to the
conclusion that the Minister was in contempt of Parliament, such a conclusion
would in no way prevent the legislative process with respect to Bill 81 from
pursuing its course.
From December 3 to 7, 1999, Quebec hosted the Annual
Meeting and Forum of State Leaders of the Council of State Governments, during
which 1700 decision-makers, Members of Parliament, and business people from the
United States, Quebec and Canada gathered. This meeting gave rise to discussions
regarding current issues on the preoccupations of North American citizens as a
whole. It should be mentioned that, at the outcome of the plenary session on
Governing in the 21st Century, the participants unanimously agreed on the
following: North American societies must invest in education, which is the key
element for our future generations and for maintaining or even elevating our
standard of living.
It is also in Quebec that, from 26 to 29 January 2000, the
Bureau and the Commission politique de l'Assemblée parlementaire de la
Francophonie (APF) met. This institution, which was founded in 1967, is composed
of 64 parliaments that are either members or associate members. In addition to
contributing to the outreach of the French language and to the mutual knowledge
of French-language cultures, the APF is active in the promotion of democracy,
the constitutional State, and human rights. During this meeting, the Bureau of
the APF adopted several resolutions concerning, in particular, Guinea, Haiti,
and the situation in the Near East.
In order to mark its 35th anniversary, the Journal des débats (Hansard) organized three "open
house" days, to which all personnel and Members of the National Assembly were
invited. This event was most popular and many visitors took the opportunity to
find out more about this department and its services. Furthermore, the Assembly
unanimously carried a motion to congratulate the past and present staff of the
Léonard Secretariat of the Assembly
Translation: Sylvia Ford, Secretariat of the Assembly
The Ontario Legislature met throughout the Fall of 1999,
for 54 sessional days, until December 23, far beyond the scheduled adjournment
date of December 9.
During this period, the issue of the non-passage of the
1998 Supply Bill and the subsequent dissolution of the Legislature (previously
recounted in Volume 22, No. 2 - Summer 1999) was again raised. The House Leader
for the Official Opposition, Dwight Duncan
(L/Windsor-St Clair), rose on a point of privilege, contending that the failure
of the Government to re-introduce a Supply Bill in the new Parliament to
sanction the government's expenditures for the fiscal year 1998-1999 (despite
the use of a provision in the Ministry of Treasury and
Economics Act to perfect the annual supply cycle by Order-in-Council, the
legal validity of which Mr. Duncan questioned) prohibited the Assembly from
holding the Crown accountable to the House for its stewardship of the public
purse. In his view, the circumstances surrounding this issue represented a
contempt of the House and of its rightful role to scrutinize and debate
government bills. The Government House Leader, Norm
Sterling (PC/Lanark-Carleton), countered that the government's actions in
this regard were based on legal advice from the Ministry of Finance and that a
challenge to those actions was not merited on procedural grounds, but perhaps in
a court of law. As such, he argued that the Speaker was in no position to rule
on a legal issue.
The Speaker, Gary Carr,
reserved his decision and subsequently ruled that, in his view, he had been
asked to consider and decide on legal and constitutional issues that are better
left to courts and litigants. He noted that Speakers in this Parliament and
other parliaments throughout the Commonwealth have consistently held the view
that the Speaker will not give a decision upon a constitutional question or
decide a question of law. The Speaker therefore found that a prima facie case of contempt had not been made out.
On the legislative front, several significant bills were
considered and passed in the Fall Session.
Bill 7, the Taxpayer Protection and
Balanced Budget Act, established that a province-wide referendum,
administered by the Chief Election Officer, must be held in order to authorize
either an increase to an existing tax, or the levying of a new tax. However, no
referendum is required if the action was clearly stated as part of the election
platform of the party that forms the government. Nor is a referendum required
for an increase or new tax if, in the opinion of the Minister of Finance, it is
not designed to generate a net increase in provincial revenues and revenues
raised for school tax purposes. The Bill also requires the Minister of Finance
to present a balanced budget each year, although exceptions are made for such
extraordinary circumstances as a natural disaster or the declaration of war, or
when revenues decline 5 per cent or more (which decline does not result from a
decrease in taxes). Financial penalties are imposed on the Executive Council for
failure to balance the budget.
Bill 8, the Safe Streets Act,
prohibits soliciting in an aggressive manner; prohibits disposing of needles,
syringes, used condoms and broken glass in an outdoor public place unless
reasonable precautions are taken to do so in a manner that will not endanger
human health or safety; and prohibits a person on a roadway from stopping,
attempting to stop or approaching a motor vehicle for the purpose of offering,
selling or providing any commodity or service to the driver, except in the case
of an emergency.
Bill 22, the Sergeant Rick McDonald
Memorial Act, changed the penalties imposed under the Highway Traffic Act when the driver of a motor vehicle
fails to stop the vehicle when requested to do so by a police officer. Maximum
fines in such instances are increased from $5,000 to $10,000. Where a driver
wilfully evades police in pursuit, the maximum fine is quintupled to $25,000,
and a minimum sentence of 14 days' imprisonment and a 5 year licence suspension
are imposed. Where such wilful evasion results in bodily harm or death to
another person, the minimum licence suspension is increased to 10 years, and may
be increased to a lifetime suspension. The bill is named in memory of Sergeant
Rick McDonald of the Sudbury Regional Police Service, who was killed in the
summer of 1999 while placing a spike belt to stop a fleeing vehicle.
Bill 25, the Fewer Municipal
Politicians Act, provided for significant municipal restructuring and the
establishment of the towns of Haldimand and Norfolk and the cities of Greater
Sudbury, Hamilton and Ottawa, and dissolves the old predecessor municipalities
on January 1, 2001.
Prior to the Winter recess, the House passed motions
calling for the appointment by the Lieutenant Governor-in-Council of two
Legislative Officers, the Ombudsman and the Environmental Commissioner,
following the expiry of the terms of Roberta Jamieson
and Eva Ligeta, respectively. After selection
processes by legislative committees, reports were made to the House by each
recommending the appointment of Clare Lewis as
Ombudsman and Gord Miller as Environmental
While the appointment of Mr. Lewis as Ombudsman was
supported by all 3 Parties in the House, the appointment of Mr. Miller as
Environmental Commissioner was not. Both opposition Parties dissented from the
Committee's recommendation in its report to the House, and vociferously opposed
the appointment during 2 days of debate in the Legislature. Eventually, closure
had to be moved on the motion requesting Mr. Miller's appointment, which was
allowed by the Speaker. All opposition members then present for the division
cast their votes against, though the vote was carried by the government's
greater numbers.
The appointments were subsequently made in the new year by
the Lieutenant Governor-in-Council; both commenced their new duties on February
Decker Clerk of Journals and Procedural Research
One of the changes to the Standing Orders that affected the
Committees Branch was the reduction of the number of Standing Committees to 8
from 11. The four policy field committees were combined into two to form the
Standing Committee on General Government and the Standing Committee on Justice
and Social Policy. The responsibilities of the Standing Committee on the
Ombudsman were combined with the Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly.
The Provincial Auditor, Erik
Peters tabled his 1999 Annual Report on November 16, 1999. Reaction to the
report focussed on the following areas: outsourcing, such as the privatization
of highway maintenance contracts; government advertising, specifically the
question raised was what is the line separating legitimate government ads from
partisan political ones; and health care. The Auditor found that only one-third
of cancer patients actually begin radiation therapy within the standard set by
government of four weeks for referral.
For the second year, the Auditor raised accountability
issues related to the contract with the private consulting firm, Andersen
Consulting. The firm was hired to develop new business practices and technology
to transform the Family Benefits and General Welfare Assistance programs.
Chaired by John Gerretsen, the
Public Accounts Committee started its review of these issues in the fall and
will continue in the winter recess.
On November 1, 1999, the House authorized the Standing
Committee on the Legislative Assembly to consider the matter of the appointment
of the Ontario Ombudsman and report to the House its recommended candidate.
Approval of the House was required as the Ombudsman Act requires the appointment
be on the address of the Legislative Assembly. Chaired by Gary Stewart, the Committee commenced reviewing
applications received through an advertisement. Interviews were set up and the
entire process was conducted in closed session over the course of approximately
six weeks. Human Resources provided support to the Committee.
When the Committee tabled its report, Mr. Stewart's
statement in the House was as follows:
“We have moved a recommendation that the Legislature give
consideration to the appointment of Mr. Clare Lewis as the next Ombudsman for a
period of five years. I want to emphasize the fact that this choice and
selection was all done in camera. I want to thank the members of the committee
for their discretion and indeed their co-operation during that particular time.
I would like to say that the decision to recommend Mr. Lewis was done on the
first recommendation, that it was the only recommendation, and that it was a
unanimous decision by all members of the three caucuses.”
The House approved the Committee's recommendation. Mr.
Lewis will start in February for a 5-year term. Of note, recent legislation
changed the term of office from ten years to five.
The Standing Committee on General Government considered the
matter of the appointment of the Environmental Commissioner. The Committee
recommended Gordon Miller for the position. This
position too, after a great deal of debate, was adopted by the House. In
addition, Bill 11, An Act to reduce red tape, to promote
good government through better management of Ministries and agencies and to
improve customer service by amending or repealing certain Acts and by enacting
four new Acts, was referred to the Committee under a time allocation motion.
However, the terms of this motion precluded further debate and the tabling of
amendments while the bill was before the Committee.
The Standing Committee on Justice and Social Policy met for
two days of public hearings and clause-by-clause discussion of Bill 8 – An Act to promote safety in Ontario by prohibiting
aggressive solicitation, solicitation of persons in certain places and disposal
of dangerous things in certain places, and to amend the Highway Traffic Act to
regulate certain activities on roadways, 1999. The Committee heard from 12
witnesses and received 11 written submissions. There were no amendments to the
bill and it was reported to the House on December 1.
The committee also met for two days for public hearings on
Bill 9 – An Act respecting the cost of checking the
police records of individuals who may work for certain non-profit service
agencies, 1999. This was a private member's bill introduced by Peter Kormos. The Committee heard from 6 witnesses and
received 25 written submissions. The Committee decided not to proceed with
clause-by-clause at this time but to revisit the Bill at a later date.
Bills sent to committees for review over the winter recess
- Bill 31, Christopher's Law,
which establishes a sex offender registry. The registry will contain the
names, addresses, dates of birth, list of sex offences and other prescribed
information about persons convicted of sex offences anywhere in Canada. This
information will be available only to police and correctional/justice
authorities. The bill is named in memory of Christopher Stephenson, an 11-year-old boy abducted
and brutally murdered by a convicted pedophile who was on federal parole when
he committed this crime.
- Bill 33, the Franchise Disclosure
Act, which will require fair dealing between parties to franchise
agreements, to ensure that franchisees have the right to associate, and to
impose disclosure obligations on franchisors. An interesting procedural
feature relating to this Bill is that it is the first to be referred to a
committee under the Assembly's new Standing Order, adopted in October, 1999,
that permits committee referrals after 1st reading.
The Finance and Economic Affairs Committee will spend the
Winter conducting pre-budget consultations.
Stokes Committee Clerk
After some late night sittings, the fall sitting of the
Third Session of the Twenty-Fourth Legislature concluded on December 8, 1999.
The fall sitting comprised 13 sitting days. During this sitting, seven
Government Bills were passed by the Assembly. One notable Bill to receive Royal
Assent was Bill 40, Health Information Act, which
allows for the sharing of certain health information with certain restrictions.
At the time of adjournment, three Government Bills remained on the Order Paper:
Bill 7, Alberta Health Care Insurance Amendment Act,
1999, Bill 15, Natural Heritage Act, and Bill
38, Constitutional Referendum Amendment Act, 1999.
Two Private Members' Bills also passed: Bill 208, Prevention of Youth Tobacco Use Act, introduced by LeRoy Johnson (PC), MLA for Wetaskiwin-Camrose, and
Bill 210, Charitable Donation of Food Act,
introduced by Bonnie Laing (PC), MLA for
On December 9, 1999, the federal government announced the
appointment of Lois E. Hole, CM, as the next
Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Alberta. Mrs. Hole succeeds H. A. “Bud” Olson.
Mrs. Hole is a long time resident of St. Albert. Her family
has operated a greenhouse operation in the Edmonton area for many years. She is
a well-known horticulturalist having published several books on the subject in
addition to being a regular media contributor. Mrs. Hole has a history of public
participation in various local, provincial and national organizations. Most
recently, she was Chancellor of the University of Alberta. The installation of
Mrs. Hole as Alberta's fifteenth Lieutenant Governor was held on February 10,
2000 in the Assembly Chamber.
On February 17, 2000, the Fourth Session of the
Twenty-Fourth Legislature began with the Speech from the Throne read by
Alberta's new Lieutenant Governor. The Throne Speech outlined a number of
initiatives for the coming year including:
- The development of a plan to ensure long-term
sustainability in the agriculture industry as well as an agricultural summit
to be held in June 2000;
- A comprehensive business tax review;
- The implementation of a six-point plan for Alberta's
health system;
- The introduction of a $3 million academic scholarship
program at the post-secondary level;
- A continuation of the $900 million, three-year
reinvestment in provincial infrastructure.
At the time of writing some of the Government's legislation
has been introduced, including:
- Bill 1, Alberta Heritage
Foundation for Science and Engineering Research Act, establishes a fund of
$500 million to support a long-term program of science and engineering
research in Alberta;
- Bill 2, First Nations Sacred
Ceremonial Objects Repatriation Act, allows for the return of religious
and sacred objects from Alberta museums to First Nations;
- Bill 6, Special Payment Act,
enables the Workers' Compensation Board to make a one-time payment to
remarried widows and widowers whose spouses died from pre-1982 work related
One Bill that had not been introduced at the time of
writing but which has been the subject of numerous questions this spring and
last fall, will address the contracting-out of surgical services by regional
health authorities. The Government has pledged to send a copy of the Bill to
every household in the province.
On February 24th, Provincial Treasurer, Stockwell Day, presented the Government's budget for
2000-01. Highlights of the budget include:
- Total expenditures increase to $17.7 billion;
- The base budget for the Department of Health and Wellness
will increase by 9.3 per cent to $5.6 billion in 2000-01. The base budget for
the Department of Learning (which includes all levels of education) will
increase by 9.2 per cent to $4.4 billion;
- Additional funding is also being provided for income
support for lower income seniors ($21 million) and for children's programs
($37 million);
- Revenue is projected to fall to $19.1 billion. The budget
estimates the price of oil at $19 (U.S.) per barrel in the coming fiscal year;
- It was announced that the single-rate tax system is to
take effect on January 1, 2001. The rate is projected to be 11 per cent on
taxable income. Exemptions will be indexed to avoid “bracket-creep”.
On February 2, 2000, New Democrat Leader, Pam Barrett, announced that she was resigning as party
leader and as MLA for Edmonton-Highlands. Ms Barrett cited a personal near-death
experience after a severe reaction to an anesthetic at her dentist's office as
her reason for resigning. Dr. Raj Pannu, MLA for
Edmonton-Strathcona, will replace Ms Barrett as interim leader until a
leadership convention is held.
Ms Barrett worked as a researcher for former New Democrat
Leaders, Grant Notley and Ray Martin, from 1982 to 1986. She was elected in
Edmonton-Highlands in 1986 and was re-elected in 1989. Ms Barrett did not run in
the 1993 election; however, she returned to politics in 1996 when she was
elected party leader. In 1997 she was again elected as MLA for
Members' Services
At its February 3, 2000 meeting, the Members' Services
Committee considered the issue of liability insurance for Members. At present,
this coverage is provided by the Risk Management and Insurance Division of
Alberta Treasury. The Committee approved a process whereby Members would be able
to notify and consult with the Speaker and appropriate resource people prior to
deciding whether to forward a request for coverage to the Risk Management and
Insurance Division of Alberta Treasury which would determine if coverage
The Standing Committee on the Alberta Heritage Savings
Trust Fund will be holding public meetings with Albertans on the investment
activities and results of the Heritage Fund. Meetings will be held on Thursday,
March 16, 2000, in Red Deer and on Thursday, March 23 in Grande Prairie.
Other functions of the Committee include: approving the
business plan, the annual report, reviewing quarterly reports on the operation
of the Fund, reviewing the performance of the Heritage Fund and reporting to the
Legislature as to whether the mission of the Heritage Fund is being fulfilled.
On January 18th, Speaker Ken
Kowalski, together with Stan Woloshyn, Minister
of Community Development, presided over a ceremony in the Legislature Building
recognizing an art exhibit travelling across Canada honouring Alberta's Famous
Five, Nellie McClung, Henrietta Edwards, Irene Parlby, Louise
McKinney and Emily Murphy. The exhibit is a
maquette consisting of five individual bronze sculptures by Edmonton artist, Barbara Paterson. Accompanying the sculptures is a
series of panels explaining the achievements of the Famous Five in respect of
the “Persons Case” decided by the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in
1929. It is a miniature version of the monument unveiled in Calgary last
October. The tour is sponsored by the Girl Guides, the Famous Five Foundation
and the Millennium Bureau of Canada.
Reynolds Senior Parliamentary Counsel