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CPA Activities: The Canadian SceneCPA Activities: The Canadian Scene

Presiding Officers meet in Toronto

Speaker Hugh Edighoffer of Ontario hosted the 7th annual Canadian Presiding Officers' Conference in Toronto from January 19 to 21 which brought together presiding officers and clerks from 12 of the 13 CPA branches in Canada.

The Conference delegates discussed papers presented on "Beyond the Standing Orders - Practices and Precedents in Cases Unprovided For", the "Role of the Speaker", the "Use of the Sub Judice Convention in the House of Commons", "Approaching Questions of Privilege on the GST Advertisements", the "Relationship of the Speaker with the Press Gallery and Media", "Speaker/Clerk - The `A' [administration] Team", the "Speaker's Relationship with the Executive, and the Government Caucus and the Opposition Caucuses". The delegates also discussed the role of the Speaker in protocol matters.

The Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario, the Honourable Lincoln Alexander, and Her Honour Mrs. Yvonne Alexander received the delegates, their spouses and children at a luncheon in the Lieutenant-Governor's Suite. The delegates were joined by the Chief Justice of Ontario, the Honourable W.G.C. Howland.

2nd Commonwealth-wide Parliamentary Seminar

In June 1989 the First Commonwealth-wide Parliamentary Seminar organized outside of the U.K. was held in Lusaka, Zambia. The second seminar will take place in Canada from May 25 to June 3, 1990.

At its last meeting the Canadian Regional Council of CPA set up a planning committee chaired by Speaker Arthur Donahoe of the Nova Scotia Legislative Assembly to coordinate the organization of the seminar.

The proposed topics include:

Canada as a Federation: The Political Scene

Canada as a Federation: The Parliamentary Scene

The Speaker's Role in Parliament

A Parliamentarian's Dilemma: The Party, the Electorate and Personal Convictions

Parliament and the Media

Parliament and the Executive

Educating the Public About Parliament

The Committee System

Is There a Role for a Second Chamber in Commonwealth Parliaments

Members and former Members of Parliament will act as resource persons for most of the agenda items.

Before the seminar the delegates will visit Toronto where they will have an opportunity to meet members of the Ontario Legislative Assembly. While in Ottawa they will also have an opportunity to visit local points of interest.

Approximately 30 parliamentarians from the seven regions of CPA will attend along with unofficial observers from the United Kingdom and the Isle of Man.

The annual meeting of the Canadian Regional Council of CPA will coincide with the end of the seminar.

New Governor General

In January Ramon Hnatyshyn was installed as the new Governor General of Canada replacing Jeanne Sauvé whose term had expired.

A native of Saskatoon, Mr. Hnatyshyn studied at the University of Saskatchewan and practised law before winning a seat in the House of Commons in 1974. He became Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources in the Clark administration in 1979. Later under Prime Minister Mulroney he served as Government House Leader and President of the Privy Council before becoming Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada.

Following his defeat in the 1988 election he had been practising law as a senior partner with Gowling, Strathy & Henderson in Ottawa.

New Deputy Clerk in Saskatchewan

On December 7, 1989 Speaker Arnold Tusa announced the appointment of Gwenn Ronyk as Clerk of the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan. Ms Ronyk has served in an acting capacity since March 1989 and has eight years experience as Deputy Clerk and seven years experience as Clerk Assistant in Saskatchewan. She is the first woman appointed Clerk of the Legislative Assembly in Saskatchewan. The appointment was made by the Board of Internal Economy on Speaker Tusa's recommendation.


Canadian Parliamentary Review Cover
Vol 13 no 1

Last Updated: 2020-09-14