At the time this article was
written Tom Riley was Head of Riley Information Services in Toronto.
Privacy has been defined in many
ways. United States Justice Louis Brandeis said it was "the right to be
let alone." Professor Alan Westin of Columbia University, acknowledged as
the pre-eminent expert on privacy today, has defined it as "the claim of
individuals, groups or institutions to determine for themselves when, how and
to what extent information about them is to be communicated to others." In
contemporary Canadian society privacy has become known in the narrower context
of 'data protection' or the right to have one's own personal information
protected and kept from the prying eyes of others.
Privacy has become an issue in the
1980s because of the microelectronics revolution and the capacity of computers
to not only retrieve, process and disseminate personal information but the
ability to share information around the world in microseconds. There are
personal files kept on all of us at every level of government and with every
institution with which we do business. Surveys show that potential violation of
individual privacy is a concern in society. Experts, such as Dr. Arthur Cordell
of the Science Council of Canada, gives some examples of potential problems in
his 1985 book, The Uneasy Eighties: The Transformation to an Information
Society. "Easy access to personal
files by various organisations presents another threat to personal freedom. The
Associated Credit Bureaus of Canada exchange credit information with 3,000
businesses in Montreal alone. Thus at least 3000 people in Montreal have at
their command detailed information on the financial affairs of millions of
other people."
He goes on to observe that
"the concern is not so much about the computer itself as about the
consequences of linking together databases to form networks. It is one thing
for someone to enter an office and open a paper file to extract some
information on someone. The linking up of electronic data files means that
information on individuals can be extracted without the requestor having to be
physically at the place where the information is stored.... The incorporation
of large personal databases into communications networks presents a serious
threat to conventional consideration of privacy."
He concludes that the "proper
and sensitive treatment of privacy, or, more correctly, individual autonomy is
becoming an important issue and is creating a very real sense of unease during
the transition to an information society."
The importance of privacy
protections has been stressed by another United States Justice, David L.
Bazelon who observed that "Potentially at odds with the free flow of
information is the right to privacy. While the right to be left alone, to
control information about ourselves, serves many purposes in a society that
respects individuality, privacy has an important political dimension. By
allowing the citizen control over private information and communications,
freedom from surveillance, and spheres of action free of societal interference,
privacy fosters the growth of the autonomous, free-thinking individuals
necessary for self-government."
The Canadian Parliament has
partially addressed the privacy problem in society, first in 1977 through
granting Canadian citizens the right of access and correction of their own
personal files, with certain limited exceptions, under part 4 of the Canadian
Human Rights Act and then with more extensive protections under the Privacy
Act, passed in 1982 and operational as of July 1, 1983. The latter, which
replaced Part 4 of the Canadian Human Rights Act grants far more privacy
rights. In Canada only one of the provinces, Quebec, has granted privacy rights
with the passage of their Access to Documents Held by Public Bodies and
Protection of Personal Information Act in 1982.
The current Privacy Act allows the
citizen the right of access and correction to one's own personal file, limits
the types of personal information which might be shared with other government
departments, sets out what are called 'fair information practices', i.e. rules
as to how information should be kept to protect the individual, grants the
right to lay a complaint to a person independent of government (the Federal
Privacy Commissioner) in the event of violation of one of the principles of the
Act and calls for the Privacy Commissioner to audit personal data banks kept by
government to ensure the principles of the Privacy Act are being maintained.
The question now facing Parliament,
as the result of the tabling in the House of Commons, on March 31, of the
Report of the Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor-General on its
three year review of the Access to Information and Privacy Act , is to what
extent the Privacy Act should be extended to cover other areas of Canadian society,
if at all?
Situation in Other Countries
The continuing debate in Canada and
other Commonwealth countries, such as Australia, New Zealand and Great Britain,
has been to what extent privacy laws should be extended to the private sector.
Great Britain, a member of the Council of Europe, which has a convention for
the Protection of Individuals with Regard to Automatic Processing of Data,
decided in 1982 to proceed with legislation to cover automated data banks in
both the public and private sectors. Prime Minister Thatcher opted not to cover
manual files on the grounds that granting such a right would be far too
cumbersome on both Government and the Private sector.
In New Zealand privacy rights were
first extended in the mid-1970's to citizens who were registered in police
computers. This was unique in the Commonwealth and existed until the passage of
the Official Information Act in 1982. The Act which allows access to government
records similar to Canada's Access to Information Act also grants limited rights
of access to personal information kept in government files. However, the rights
extended to individuals are not as extensive as those enshrined in Canada's
Privacy Act. There are no ground rules on how the personal information should
be kept nor are there any auditing requirements as in Canada.
Australia's Freedom of Information
Act, also passed in 1982, is similar to New Zealand's in that it grants only
access to personal information but no other privacy rights. These limited
privacy rights were tacked on to both these bills because the privacy debate in
these Commonwealth countries was becoming intensified in the early 1980's.
The Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development had adopted privacy guidelines entitled
"Guidelines on the Protection of Privacy and Transborder Flows of Personal
Data" in 1980 (Canada adhered in 1984 as did Australia). These guidelines,
written by a Committee chaired by an Australian, the Hon. Justice Michael
Kirby, then Chairman of the Law Reform Commission and now President of the
Court of Appeal of the Supreme Court of New South Wales, were influential in
sparking a debate in all the OECD and some Commonwealth countries.
Nine European countries currently
have laws known as Data Protection Acts, which extend rights to individuals in
the public and private sector. However, they cover mostly automated data banks
(computers) and little attention is paid to manual files. Twelve more
countries, including Japan, are currently developing legislation.
Passage of the OECD Guidelines was
the single most important factor in limited privacy rights being adopted in
Australia and New Zealand, a full Data Protection Act in Great Britain and
Canada's Privacy Act . The latter is unique in the Commonwealth because of the
extensive rights it guarantees and the fact it covers all government files,
automated and manual.
The OECD principles set out the
following ground rules for the keeping of personal information. They are a good
summary of the principles incorporated in most full-blown privacy/data
protection laws.
1. Informed consent of the
individuals for the use of information about themselves, where appropriate;
2. The collection of only relevant,
accurate and timely data, related to the purpose for which they are to be used;
3. Identification in advance of the
purpose for data collection;
4. Restrictions on the reuse of
data for new purposes without the consent of the individual or without legal
5. Reasonable security safeguards;
6. Openness about practices with
respect to the collection, storage or use of personal data;
7. A right of access for
individuals to information about themselves; and
8. The accountability of the data
controller for compliance with data protection measures.
Canada, through adhering to the Guidelines,
met her moral obligations through the existence of the Privacy Act and the
sending of a letter, in November, 1986, from the Secretary of State for
External Affairs, Joe Clark, to 130 multinationals urging them to develop
privacy codes within their own companies and to officially adhere to the
Guidelines. The Parliamentary Committee felt more should be done to encourage
adoption of the Guidelines and the implementation of the Codes. In the United
States 200 multinational corporations adhered to the Guidelines in 1981 with
promises of action to develop full privacy codes. Such codes would incorporate
the basic privacy principles but would give no legal recourse to individuals in
the event of abuse of their personal data by a company. No similar recourses
have been recommended in the parliamentary committee report, a serious
oversight to some privacy experts who feel that citizens need civil remedies in
the event of privacy violations.
There appears to be little evidence
that corporations are doing much in Canada to adhere to the Guidelines or
develop privacy rights. A few companies and associations, such as the Bank of
Montreal, IBM, American Express (Canada) Inc., Comcheq Services Ltd. of
Winnipeg (a large payroll service with the names of 350,000 Canadians in their
data bases) and the Canadian Life and Health Association, have developed
privacy codes. The Royal Bank of Canada released draft privacy guidelines to
the Justice Committee in May 1986, when appearing before them, but have yet to
enact them. There are no other signs that other companies are going to comply
or that the government will force some form of compliance. The parliamentary
committee has made recommendations that, if adopted, could change this and
force enactment of privacy guidelines in some sectors of Canadian society.
The privacy debate in Canada,
Australia and New Zealand in the last few years has been about how far these
rights should be extended to the private sector. Many Canadian corporations
have resisted the development of regulations claiming they do not want a
cumbersome bureaucracy overseeing their data banks. Others claim that to extend
the Privacy Act to the private sector
would be to create an Information Czar, the Privacy Commissioner, who would
have far too much power over the private sector. Professor David Flaherty, of
the University of Western Ontario, an advisor to the parliamentary committee
which produced the Report, has said that action is needed as the private sector
have known about these problems and have not acted.
In their report, the Standing
Committee on Justice and the Solicitor-General stated the government should
prepare a vigorous program to convince the private sector to develop privacy
codes and that both the Departments of Justice and of External Affairs should
submit a Report to Parliament within eighteen months of the tabling of the
Report, reporting to what extent the private sector has developed codes. The
message is clear: if the private sector cannot do this on their own, then the
Federal Government should step in.
The Committee further recommended
that certain privacy rights be extended to the federally-regulated private
sector, including the banks, airlines, telecommunications industry and others.
Specifically, they recommend that the right found in "Sections 4 to 9 of
the Privacy Act (fair information practices) and 12 to 17 (individual rights of
access to data) and 29 to 35 (a mechanism for the Privacy Commissioner to
receive and investigate complaints) be extended to the federally-regulated private
sector by means of a separate part of the Act."
The Committee also recommended
"that the Privacy Commissioner be empowered to review and approve
implementation schemes developed by organisations in the federally-regulated
private sector to comply with the Privacy Act. He should also be authorized to
report to Parliament on the degree of progress in developing satisfactory data
protection plans in the same sector."
Another criticism levelled at the
Committee's Report, by Bill Loewen of Comcheq Services, was that there are no
penalties for violations of any privacy principles. He felt that the Privacy
Commissioner's role, as recommended by the Parliamentary Committee, is too
limited. He recommended there be civil remedies against abusers available to the
citizen, through recourse to the courts.
This question of the role of the
Privacy Commissioner is fundamental to the privacy debate in Commonwealth
countries. Canada has developed a unique system in creating a Commissioner who
is an officer of Parliament with quasi-judicial powers and can do extensive
investigations when a complaint is received or do spot checks on government
departments to determine if they are complying with the law. The Privacy
Commissioner, like the Information Commissioner, cannot overturn the decision
of the head of an agency. This is based on the concept of ministerial
responsibility, which says that the Minister is responsible to Parliament and
Parliament alone. It would be anathema in our system of government to create an
official who would have the power to overturn the decisions of Ministers.
However, if a complainant is not satisfied with a decision rendered by the
Commissioner a complaint can be laid with the Federal Court.
In contrast, Australia, in enacting
her Freedom of Information Law in 1982,
opted for a different system. There, a complaint can be laid with the Federal
Ombudsman, if the request is taking too long or the complainant feels other
administrative principles are being violated. In the event of denial of information
a complaint can be laid with the Administrative Appeals Tribunal. This body can
only recommend the release of documents but if a minister overturns the
decision of the Tribunal he or she must submit the reasons before Parliament
within thirty days.
New Zealand also allows complaints
to the Ombudsman who can only recommend release. The Official Information Act ,
amended in 1987, calls for the full Cabinet to review a decision by the
Ombudsman for the release of a document. Both Australia and New Zealand are
thus incorporating within their parliamentary systems aspects of administrative
law found in European and Scandinavian countries as opposed to
Westminster-style governments. Quebec's Access law is unique in this respect in
that their Access to Information Commission (composed of a Chairman and two
Commissioners) has the power to direct disclosure of a document thus overriding
the decision of a head of an institution.
These appeal mechanisms are
important to the privacy debate as they will determine the future efficacy of
laws that appear to be inevitable. It is certain that Parliament will adopt
some of the measures recommended by the Parliamentary Committee as the move
today towards greater privacy protections takes hold. Australia has introduced
a Privacy Act in their Parliament (for the public sector only, for the moment)
but, along with New Zealand, is also considering wider privacy protections in
all sectors of society. All the democracies are, to some extent, involved in
the privacy debate and developing some forms of protection. There have been
enough voices raised to make this a reality.
The essence of the debate will
become the methods which should be used to achieve these purposes so that the
rights of the individual are protected while at the same time the state is not
given extensive powers to intrude into the lives of individuals in the name of
protecting their privacy.