Robert Miller
Canadian legislators have been reconsidering the means of supporting democracy
around the world. Last year the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Canadian
House of Commons investigated Canadian democracy support programs and declared
that Canada can and should do better. In the fall of 2007, the Government
replied, saying that it would put a new focus on democracy support and
build the capacity of governmental and non-governmental organizations to
deliver high quality Canadian assistance. The Government will also appoint
a panel of experts to assess current Canadian capacity and recommend ways
in which it can be strengthened. This article looks at the Canadian record
of support for democracy abroad with the aim of dispelling the myth that
Canada does little in this area. It then turns to the Canadian approach,
suggesting that there are certain distinctive characteristics about Canadian
cooperation in democratic development. Finally, it reports on the recent
stock taking of policy and programs by the Parliament and Government of
Canada, and concludes with some thoughts about the way ahead.
The world has entered the democratic doldrums. Democracy supporters now
write articles about freedom stagnation. According to Freedom House, the
number of new electoral democracies has ceased to grow while the number
of backsliders has increased. Countries like Thailand and Kenya which only
a few years ago seemed safely in the democratic column have sunk into political
crisis and uncertainty. There is also growing pushback against democracy,
with countries like China and Russia becoming increasingly assertive about
pursuing their own political paths at their own pace. Meanwhile, in the
advanced democracies like Canada and the United States, citizens are increasingly
dissatisfied with the way in which their democracies work, and in growing
numbers are choosing not to participate at all. All of this leads one to
question whether the democratic moment has passed. Instead of coming to
the end of history when we all become liberal democrats, are we entering
a post-democratic era?
I would argue that the period we are now entering is more genuinely characteristic
of democracy than the one we are just leaving. After a period of democratic
arrogance and smugness, we are beginning to confront the true difficulty
and complexity of building democracies, and of sustaining them once they
are built. After the end of the cold war, there appeared a new conventional
wisdom that democracy was more or less inevitable, and that once established
it could be run on auto-pilot. This explains the missionary zeal with which
democracy was promoted abroad and the general indifference with which it
was reformed at home. We are beginning to see just how stupid and neglectful
of the lessons of history this so called third wave of democracy truly
was. Rather than roll to shore of its own volition, democracy is and always
will be a struggle.
It is time to recognize there are no sudden democratic miracles. There
are wonderful days in the history of democracy, such as people power in
the Philippines and the orange revolution in Ukraine. But we now know that
days like that are always followed by mornings after filled with conflict,
trade offs and progress mixed with failure. Inevitably, a point is reached
where people begin to wonder whether the results justify the struggle.
Some tire of the effort and opt for the apparent but deeply misleading
certainties of authoritarianism. But just when you fear that people are
giving up on democracy, they may launch a comeback, as Venezuelans did
recently in declining to give their President a blank cheque.
The Canadian Record
Our first task is to dispel the myth that Canada does little or nothing
in supporting democracy abroad. In fact Canada does quite a bit and has
done for the better part of twenty years. The odd thing is that many Canadians
believe the myth, suggesting that those who do work in this area have done
a lousy job of educating their fellow citizens and the political leadership
of the country.
The diagram on the following page shows that for the fiscal year 2004-2005,
the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) spent some $341 million
dollars on democratic development\democratic governance, although the Committee
warns the number must be treated cautiously because of definitional and
other reporting issues. Regardless, it is certainly the case that Canada
now funds such work to the tune of many tens and perhaps hundreds of millions
of dollars.
As the diagram shows, some $18 million is spent by other Government of
Canada (GOC) agencies besides CIDA. As for the actors in delivering the
assistance, the triangle on the left groups them into three categories.
At the top is CIDA, in the middle is the Department of Foreign Affairs
and International Trade plus six so called arms length organizations
that currently comprise the Democracy Council the International Centre
for Human Rights and Democratic Development (ICHRDD), the International
Development Research Centre (IDRC), Elections Canada, the Parliamentary
Centre, the Forum of Federations and the National Judicial Institute (NJI).
We do not propose to describe each of these organizations in detail. Suffice
it to say that the list includes arms-length organizations established
and funded entirely by the Government of Canada as well as others established
with the support of the parliamentary and judicial branches of the Canadian
At the bottom of the diagram are the many non-governmental partners ranging
from national associations of one kind and another (e.g. the Federation
of Canadian Municipalities), non-governmental organizations (e.g. the Canadian
Bar Association) and Canadian universities which are grouped together in
the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC). In the words
of the Committee Report, Canadas contribution to international democratic
development involves dozens of organizations and hundreds and even thousands
of Canadians working for government departments, NGOs or international
institutions. The reference to international institutions raises an
interesting point. Many Canadians have worked on democratic development
for non-Canadian organizations like the National Democratic Institute in
the United States or multilateral organizations including the United Nations,
the OAS and many others. Some Canadians, including the author, regard this
as a very good thing, a manifestation of the internationalism of Canadians,
while others think it is practically scandalous that not all Canadians
with an interest in this work have an opportunity to be employed by Canadian
Although Canada and Canadians are substantial contributors to democracy
support, it was not always so. Canada was somewhat slower than the United
States in taking up this cause and making it a central part of foreign
and development policy. There were many reasons for this but they boiled
down to a worry that programs of this kind could be seen as interference
in the internal affairs of other countries, a matter of the utmost sensitivity
in Canada. In the 1970s and 1980s when interest in democracy support was
growing in the United States and to a lesser degree in Europe, the Canadian
Government was confronted with the rise of a powerful independence movement
in the Province of Quebec. During a state visit to Canada for the countrys
centennial celebrations in 1967, the President of France shouted to a crowd
of many thousands in Quebec City Vive le Quebec, vive le Quebec libre!
The Canadian Government was outraged by this interference in the most sensitive
of issues and the President of France returned home hastily. Being highly
sensitive itself, Canada was determined to avoid offending the sensitivities
of other countries, especially those in the developing world that were
struggling after independence to establish their statehoods.
By the late 1980s, however, the Canadian Government felt able to take the
first tentative step in the direction of supporting democracy abroad when
it established the small, arms length International Centre for Human Rights
and Democratic Development, now known as Rights and Democracy. By the early
1990s, CIDA had begun to establish its own programs to fund projects in
human rights, good governance and democratic development. Support for the
policy was supplied by the growing evidence that good governance was a
precondition for economic and social development, and that democratic accountability
was a vital part of good governance. Thus launched and propelled, Canadas
support for democracy grew steadily over the last twenty years to the point
described in the diagram supplied by the Foreign Affairs Committee. The
programs undertaken by governmental, arms length and non governmental organizations
were similar in many ways to those undertaken by other donor countries,
with one exception. Canada continued to avoid the area of political party
development which it saw as the most sensitive and risk laden area of democratic
development. But otherwise, Canada supports work in parliamentary and electoral
development, public administration and local government, rule of law and
judicial training, to name some of the sectors where assistance was concentrated.
Source: Advancing Canada's Role in International Support for Democratic
Development, Report of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International
Development, July 2007.
1. A Sample of CIDA's Canadian partners in this area includes: Aga Khan
Foundation Canada, Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada,
CANADEM, Canadian Association of Former Parliamentarians, Canadian Bar
Association, Canadian Bar Association, Canadian Comprehensive Audit Foundation
Institute on Governance, Canadian Council for International Cooperation,
(CCIC), Canadian Crossroads International, Canadian Executive Service Organization,
Canadian Foundation for the Americas, Canadian Institute of Planners, CARE
Canada, Centre canadien d'études et de coopération, Commonwealth Judicial
Education Institute, Cowater International Inc., CUSO, Development and
Peace, Ekos Research Associates, Equitas - International Centre for Human
Rights, Education, Federation of Canadian Municipalities, Institute for
Media, Policy and Civil Society, Institute of Public Administration of
Canada, Institute on Governance, Inter Pares, International Centre for
Criminal Law Reform and Pearson Peacekeeping Centre, Queen's University,
Save the Children Canada, Tecsult Inc, Université de Montréal, University
of Alberta - International Programs, University of Ottawa, World University
Service of Canada
2. Other Government of Canada (GoC) departments and statutory bodies include:
Auditor General of Canada, Canadian Human Rights Commission, Department
of National Defence, Elections, Foreign Affairs and International Trade,
International Centre for Human Rights and International Development Research
Centre, Justice Canada, PWGSC - Consulting & Audit, Radio Canada International,
Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Social Development Canada, Statistics Canada
The Canadian Approach
In supporting democracy around the world, some countries have set themselves
up as models and talk as if they were democrats born and bred. Canada can
make no such claim. At its founding in 1867, it had put in place a system
of responsible government that contained the seeds of democracy but was
far from being a fully formed democracy. The franchise was restricted to
white males who owned property and elections were held by raising hands
in public meetings. Voting was often conducted along commercial lines,
with willing buyers and sellers. The old saying that an honest politician
is one that stays bought applied in no small measure in 19th century Canada.
Canadas first Prime Minister, Sir John A MacDonald, was a master practitioner
of the black arts of politics. Without his skills and his practical approach
to politics, there might well have been no Canada. What motivated MacDonald
was fear of the United States and of its excessive democracy, as he saw
it. It was hardly surprising therefore that it was only gradually and begrudgingly
that Canada embraced democracy. In the case of women, it was some fifty
years after Confederation that they won their civil and political rights
against powerful entrenched interests and prevailing attitudes and values.
It was another thirty years after that before all adult Canadians got the
right to vote, irrespective of race or color.
This capsule history of Canadian democracy reminds us that no established
democracy began as a democracy, none has become democratic overnight and
not a single one of them has yet achieved perfection, nor is likely to
any time soon. This humbling realization conditions the way in which Canadians
approach support for democracy abroad. While the approach may not be unique,
we would insist that it is characteristically Canadian. Three traits in
particular stand out.
We advertise both our successes and failures. As we noted, Canadians came
to the practice of democracy gradually and sometimes rather reluctantly.
It was not a conversion experience. In general, they subscribe to Churchills
maxim that democracy is the worst system of government except for the
others that have been tried. Canadians are painfully aware of the messiness
and lack of dignity that often attach themselves to democracy, particularly
the proceedings of the Canadian House of Commons. They are very proud of
their democratic institutions but often unhappy with the way they work.
Canadians who undertake democracy support programs internationally are
generally careful to describe both the strengths and the weaknesses of
Canadian institutions and practices. To take one example, Parliamentary
democracy and the evolution of the Canadian political party system have
on the whole delivered good government to Canadians but many dislike the
extreme partisanship which is a hallmark of the system.
People who travel to Canada to study our institutions appreciate being
given both the good and the not so good news. The Speaker of one of South
Africas provincial assemblies summed up what he found most useful about
a study tour of the Canadian Parliament. Thank you very much he said.
I have a much better idea now of what we should not do back home in South
Africa. The serious point here is that all democratic institutions and
practices have pluses and minuses. All work better in some places and under
some conditions than others. The value of the Canadian experience to our
partners around the world is greatly enhanced by an honest assessment of
how they work and how they gradually came to be adopted through the painfully
slow process of trial and error. Canadian experience shared in this way
can be genuinely helpful to others as they struggle to discover what works
for them in their countries, the whole point of the exercise.
We favor the practical and the technical over the inspirational. Canadians
know that there are two essential ingredients in democracy beliefs and
values on the one hand and institutions and practices on the other. We
also know that either one without the other is incomplete and likely to
fail. It is also the case, however, that Canadians are uncomfortable preaching
about the beliefs and values part of the equation, much preferring to concentrate
their attention on discussions of the practical and technical. This is
traceable to a conviction that democratic values must grow out of local
soils whereas the how to part of democracy can more easily be shared
and learned. The practical effect of this attitude is to avoid the use
of people in programs because of their political or ideological credentials,
preferring instead those who can share practical experience and their expertise.
The Parliamentary Centre which I head has found that peer to peer exchange
is the single most valuable channel of learning because so much of democracy
can be learned only through experience. We have found that parliamentarians,
the ultimate in pragmatists, view the advice of western hot shots experts
with considerable skepticism. They prefer opportunities for exchange with
parliamentary colleagues from around the world who have spent years in
the political trenches. Canadians generally shy away from the crusader
approach to democratic development because it only arouses the resentments
of our partners.
We believe that democracy is important but not the only key to the kingdom.
Canadians recognize that good governance is an essential part of economic
and social progress and that democracy is an important part of good governance,
although not the whole of it. The Canadian constitution speaks of peace,
order and good governance as being foundation stones of the nation, a
very conservative, down to earth gospel compared to the inspiring trinity
of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness found in the United States
Declaration of Independence. In providing support abroad, Canadians see
democracy as only one ingredient in the complex recipe of human development.
We recognize on the one hand that people cannot eat democracy but also
that democracy can be a tool to empower them to improve their economic
circumstances. We recognize that the transition to democracy occurs together
with other transitions from poverty to prosperity and from war to peace.
This complex multifaceted view of democracy does not lend itself to catchy
slogans which, in any case, have gone out of fashion.
Canada's New Focus on Democracy Support
All in all, the Canadian approach to democracy support might be described
as practical, focused on assistance that is helpful to those struggling
to develop their democracies. But that raises the very large question,
how helpful is it? How much impact does it actually have? These are questions
being asked in every country that promotes democracy internationally, including
Since the late 1980s, the Government of Canada has steadily increased its
funding of international programs supporting democracy, good governance
and human rights. As a result of that policy, a substantial number of Canadian
organizations have developed their capacity to deliver programs strengthening
diverse sectors of democratic governance. During the course of 2007, the
Foreign Affairs Committee of the Canadian House of Commons conducted the
first in depth review of this work and in July 2007 issued a report entitled
Advancing Canadas Role in International Support for Democratic Development.
During the course of its investigation, the Committee looked at Canadian
capabilities and potential comparative advantages that can be applied to
the promotion of democratic development. It found that Canadian strengths
have been developing in such areas as elections, parliamentary strengthening,
judicial reform, police training, anti-corruption activities and local
governance, among others. At the same time, the Committee concluded that
something was missing in the Canadian support for democracy, namely overall
impact and visibility. It found that Canadian support is spread thinly
in many places and often receives little notice which led the Committee
to conclude that Canada is still punching below its weight in this field.
On that basis, the Committee made a series of recommendations to strengthen
Canadian policy and capacity to deliver support internationally. In doing
so, it warned that an incremental sprinkling of resources across an array
of small organizations will not be good enough to make Canada a truly
serious player in international democratic development. The Committee
recommended the creation of new institutions to carry Canadian support
for democracy to a higher level. Principal among those was a Canada Foundation
for Democracy to be established by the Government of Canada and a centre
for multi-party and parliamentary democracy with a parliamentary mandate
to be set up by the Parliament of Canada. The latter recommendation was
meant to engage parliamentarians on an all party basis to build Canadian
capacity in political party development, an area of democratic development
that has attracted little Canadian support to date.
In November 2007, the Government of Canada issued its response to the Committee
report. Entitled A New Focus on Democracy Support, the response endorsed
the Committees overall recommendation that democracy support should become
a key international priority and, to that end, that policy and programs
should be strengthened with respect to improved knowledge, better coordination
among organizations, improved evaluation and communication of results and
strengthened institutional capacity. Of special significance, the response
stated that the Government will maintain its approach to investing in the
broad area of democratic development but will do more to focus on democracy
support as a distinct of policy and programming. By democracy support
was meant programs to strengthen democratic processes that give citizens
a greater say in the decisions that affect their lives, with a focus on
elections, parliaments, independent media, political parties and civil
As for the recommendations of the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee
calling on the Government to create new institutions, the Government response
announced that a panel of experts will be commissioned to assess the capacity
of existing Canadian organizations to deliver effective, high quality
and responsive democracy support. This assessment will consider the capacities
of existing organizations in terms of their roles and niches and will
identify strategies for strengthening the capacities of existing organizations
and how to improve Canadas performance. In that context, the panel will
also be asked to consider the need to create new institutions.
The thread running through the article is the belief that we need to develop
a more realistic and honest appreciation of the nature of democracy and
therefore of the ways in which we can support it. The first generation
of democracy support programs was characterized by rather formulaic and
ideological approaches and techniques. Although it was denied, donor countries
behaved as if democracy was just another export item in the world trade
in ideas. We are now confronting the much harder truths about transitions
to democracy. I suspect that Canadian pragmatism about democracy is rather
well adapted to Canada playing a leadership role in the new era of democracy