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CPA Activities: The Canadian SceneCPA Activities: The Canadian Scene

22nd Canadian Presiding Officers' Conference 

The twenty-second Canadian Presiding Officers Conference was held in Halifax from January 20-23, 2005.  The host for the Conference was Speaker Murray Scott of Nova Scotia.  Other presiding officers in attendance were:  Speakers Peter Milliken (House of Commons), Bev Harrison (NB), Harvey Hodder (Newfoundland and Labrador), Ted Staffen (YT), Greg Deighen (PE), George Hickes (MB), Myron Kowalsky (SK), Ken Kowalski (AB), Paul Delorey (NT) and Alvin Curling (ON). 

Speaker Kowalski chaired the first business session on “The mechanics of democracy: a made in B.C. electoral system”. The presenter was Robert Vaive, Clerk Assistant of the British Columbia Legislative Assembly. 

The second session, chaired by Speaker Hodder, was entitled “Omnibus bills: have we run the wheels off? The presenter was Rod MacArthur, Chief Clerk, of the Nova Scotia House of Assembly. 

Speaker Staffen chaired the third session on “Legislative scrutiny and the Charter of Rights: a review of Senate practices and procedures.”  The presenter was Gary O’Brien, Deputy Clerk and Principal Clerk in the Senate. 

The fourth business session, chaired by Speaker Deighan, featured a presentation on “The Speaker’s Outreach Program in Manitoba” by Patricia Chaychuk, Clerk of the Manitoba Legislative Assembly. 

Speaker Hickes chaired the fifth session on “Parliamentary reform under consideration at the National Assembly and the preparation of a code of ethics for Members”. The presenter was Diane Leblanc, MNA, Vice-President of the Quebec National Assembly. 

The last session was entitled “Board of Management: administrative functionary or defender of the faith?”  The chair was Speaker Kowalsky and the presenter was Tim Mercer, Clerk of the Northwest Territories Legislative Assembly. 

Speaker Kowalsky also gave a special report on “Monitoring the Ukraine election.” 

Aside from the discussions and warm hospitality offered by the host province two huge snowstorms immediately before and during the Conference made this a memorable experience for all who attended. 


Canadian Parliamentary Review Cover
Vol 28 no 1

Last Updated: 2020-09-14