RSS Feed
The Registration of Lobbyists
Mitchell Sharp
Making Lobbyists Accountable: Some Lessons from the U.S. Experience
Matthew Abrams; Richard Sachs
New Rules for Private Members' Business
Nora Lever
The CCF-NDP in Quebec: The Lessons of History
Michel Sarra-Bournet
Beyond the McGrath Report
Nic Le Blanc
Reform of Quebec's Parliamentary Institutions: Evolution of Party Platform Proposals since 1960
Réjean Landry
Freedom of Information Act Oversight. The American Experience
Harold Relyea
Eighth Meeting of the Canadian Council of Public Accounts Committees
Craig James
Interview: Christine Wilson and Micheline Martineau
Parliamentary Book Shelf
The Canadian House of Commons: Essays in Honour of Norman Ward by John C. Courtney
Alan Cairns
Parliamentary Book Shelf
Provincial Politics In Canada, by Rand Dyck
Jonathan Lemco
Parliamentary Book Shelf
Frank Underhill: Intellectual Provocateur by R. Douglas Francis
Gary Levy
Legislative Reports
CPA Activities: The Canadian Scene
Vol 9 no 3, autumn 1986
Christine Wilson provides interpretation of question period for the deaf
Inset Jean Marc Carisse, background Scott Grant
Last Updated: 2020-09-14