Mavis Taillieu, MLA
Radio frequency identification
(RFID) is an emerging use of technology that could permit unprecedented
collection of personal information. This, in turn, linked with other
information data bases, many without the knowledge or consent of affected
individuals are problematic for those who feel there is a need to protect
personal information and privacy. In this brave new world, technology is
advancing at light speed while our understanding of what it can do is moving at
the speed of a tortoise. This article argues that it is time for
legislators to take a serious look at RFID technology and its implications for
Canadian society.
In 2004, the Ontario Privacy
Commissioner, Anne Cavoukian, issued a report outlining the dangers to our privacy
from Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) – a highly specific
identification method relying on data storing devices called chips or tags, and
remote retrieving devices called transceivers or readers. The tag is a small
object ranging from a couple of centimeters square to the size of a grain of
pepper that can be attached to, or incorporated into a product, animal or
person. RFID tags contain silicone chips and antennae to enable them to receive
and respond to radio frequency queries from an RFID transceiver or reader. In
June 2006, the commissioner issued guidelines for companies employing this
technology which focused on three overarching principles. There should be focus
on RFID information systems rather than just the technology, there should be
built-in privacy and security from the outset, and a maximization of individual
participation and consent.
It is not the RFID technology
that has raised privacy concerns but the associated possibilities. RFID tags
are unique and specific and therefore highly identifiable with the product,
animal or person. They have been referred to as “barcodes on
steroids” because unlike barcodes that identify (for example) all cans of
Cola as Cola, these tags identify every single can of Cola in the world as
unique and different. Unlike bar codes that are read with light beams
RFID uses radio waves which can read RFID tags through purses, pockets and even
vehicles. This technology is presently used in supply management to track
movement of goods worldwide and for inventory control. At this level it poses
little threat but item level use of RFID tags in the retail sector, when linked
to personally identifiable information, could facilitate the tracking and
surveillance of individuals. If each item purchased could be linked with other
information like credit card information or cell phone information which in
turn could be linked to banking information that could result in complete
profiles about shopping habits, personal preferences, personal movement and
personal spending habits.
RFID is currently used in
several applications around the world. It is used in library book and bookstore
tracking, building access control, airline baggage tracking, apparel and
pharmaceutical tracking, and employee badges. Cattle are tagged with RFID. A
number of countries have begun using it in passports. At present Canadian
passports do not contain RFID. Inmates in correction institutes in several
States in America
wear RFID embedded wrist bands to track their whereabouts. The toll booths on
the 407 north of Toronto
use RFID to automatically bill people’s accounts as they pass through and
their RFID embedded cards are read by the remote reader. Nexus cards proposed
for secure trans-border crossing between Canada
and the USA
contain RFID chips. RFID technology is being studied at the University of Manitoba.
In October of 2004 the Food and Drug Administration in the USA approved
the first RFID chips that can be implanted in humans. These chips from
VeriChip Corporation, a subsidiary of Applied Digital Solutions Incorporated
can hold personal health information, personal credit card and banking
information, special codes or passwords, or indeed any information about the
individual. A beach club in Spain
has patrons implant a chip in their hand which contains there credit card
numbers so they don’t have to carry money. As of February of this year a
surveillance company in Cincinnati
became the first American company to use VeriChip implanted in employees for
access to its data centre. Canada’s
Therapeutic Directorate has not yet approved the implantable RFID technology
for use in Canada but
VeriChip has opened offices in Vancouver and Ottawa. Dr. Ian Kerr, Canada Research Chair
in Ethics, Law and Technology, University
of Ottawa, Faculty of Law has said
these chips are easy to clone and has asked the question of whether to regulate
these in Canada
and just who should be in charge of that regulation.
The Privacy Commissioner for Canada, Jennifer Stoddard undertook a study of
RFID use in Canada
in 2005 and concluded that “greater public and political awareness of the
potentially intrusive nature of RFID is essential now”. She concluded
that RFID use in Canada
has already expanded beyond simply tracking materials but is being linked to
personal information and sometimes used to track people.
We live in an age of excessive
collection and sharing of personal information. The past few decades have
witnessed a dramatic transformation in the way we shop, bank and go about our
daily business – changes that have resulted in an unprecedented
proliferation of records and data. “Small details that were once captured
in dim memories or fading scraps of paper are now preserved forever in the
digital minds of computers, in vast data bases with fertile fields of personal
data” said author Daniel Solove.
There are three main data
collectors; governments, non-profit organizations and commercial entities. The
collection, trade, rent and sale of personal information is big business. The
Canadian Marketing Association estimates there are 480,000 jobs generating $51
billion in sales annually, involving the collection of consumer information,
analyzing of customer data bases and brokering of personal information.
Creation of mega data
bases of personal information are the new banks and personal information is the
new currency.
Individuals give up their
personal information wittingly or unwittingly as purchasers, subscribers,
registrants, members, card holders, donors, contest entrants, survey
respondents and even to mere enquirers.
The increasing accumulation of
personal data and consolidation of data bases leaves individuals vulnerable to
abuses by those with access to the data. Potential uses of this data are
limited only by law and ethics.
In Canada, the federal Personal
Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) governs the
collection, use and disclosure of personal data by organizations in the course
of commercial activities. However, there is not great compliance with the law.
Philippa Lawson, executive director and general council of the Canadian
Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic released a study that found that
retailers, on-line in particular, were not compliant with PIPEDA. “Our
study shows quite clearly there is a very high level of non-compliance out
there when it comes to the kinds of things that consumers aren’t aware
of. That is the sharing and use of their personal data behind the scenes.
Companies are not being as forthright about that and are not giving consumers
meaningful choice.”
Furthermore, we should not be
lulled into believing security is infallible. Between February 15, 2005 and
June 30, 2006 there were 222 breaches of security involving more than 88
million records containing sensitive personal information in the USA. The
majority of these were due to hackers, stolen laptops or dishonest inside
employees. Over 10 million people in the United States last year fell victim
to identity theft. Two major Canadian credit bureaus Equifax and Trans Union
indicate they receive 1400-1800 identity theft complaints per month - the
majority from Ontario.
Equifax itself has had data breaches were information was stolen.
Mary Kirwan, lawyer, writer
and IT security expert said “it’s no joke to stay one step ahead of
the virtual bad guys. Keyloggers are devices used by parents to monitor
children’s Internet surfing habits and by employers to monitor employees
on-line. In the wrong hands Keyloggers are the ultimate spyware tool, enabling
criminals to take screen shots, and record keystrokes to capture sensitive data
such as banking passwords and PIN numbers...”. There are potentially Lack
of compliance and lack of security enhances the prospect of identity theft
– the fastest growing crime in Canada today
Identity theft in broad terms
refers to all types of crime in which someone wrongfully obtains and uses
another person’s identifying information for the purposes of fraud or
other criminal activity, typically for economic gain. Such data can include
name, date of birth, mother’s maiden name, social insurance numbers,
personal health numbers, birth certificates, passports, driver’s license
and credit card numbers. Once stolen this information can be used to create
financial accounts, transfer bank balances, apply for loans or credit, purchase
goods and services or in fact steal your identity.
Information is stolen from a
variety of sources – the mail, family members or relatives, from your
residence or garbage. But it has become much more sophisticated. It is now
obtained from data miners, hackers, from computers or laptops in the workplace
with access to huge data bases. New uses of technology like RFID could
potentially increase collection of data, misuse of data and increase the risk
of having identity theft occur, occur more often and occur more easily.
Legislators should be
proactive in discussion, education and possible legislation regarding
protection of personal information in light of advancing technologies of which
the public is generally unaware. If people give informed consent to share their
personal information based on the recognition it will be used for the purposes
identified, that it will not be shared and will be safeguarded there is more
chance there will be acceptance. Privacy assessments should be a part of all
emerging technologies and public participation and consent are necessary.
Jennifer Stoddard, Privacy
Commissioner for Canada, in
her 2005 Annual Report to Parliament in May had this to say: “I would
like to report much good news about privacy in Canada. But it’s not all good
news. Concern among Canadians about their loss of privacy and the misuse of
their personal information has never been greater. The concern stems from the
growing threats to personal information in an electronic environment of massive
and continuous data circulation.”
In a research poll undertaken
by the Privacy Commissioner Canadians identified privacy as among the most
important issues facing the country. Canadians support strong and responsive
public and private sector privacy laws. Seventy percent (70%)expressed a
strong sense that their privacy and protection of their personal information
was being eroded. A substantial majority of those surveyed said there was no
real privacy because technology has made it too easy for governments to keep
track of people.
Following the rash of security
breaches and losses of personal information in the United States 23 States have
enacted “duty to notify” legislation where the company who
collected personal information must notify individuals about any potential
compromise of that information. Up until only two years ago California was the only State with such a
law. There are 12 states where there is some form of legislation regarding the
use of RFID technology. They range from creating a task force to study RFIDs in
Maryland to prohibiting government from
requiring people to have a RFID chip embedded in them in Wisconsin,
South Dakota and New Hampshire.
In Canada, and according to the
Privacy Commissioner, PIPEDA applies to RFID use and data linking. This
legislation is under review and one of the things being recommended is stronger
enforcement of the law.
Columbia, Alberta, Quebec and Ontario (for health
information only) have enacted substantially similar legislation to PIPEDA and
therefore are governed by their provincial laws. Brian Bowman, a renowned
privacy lawyer from Winnipeg
believes that provincial legislation would precipitate better compliance with
the laws because businesses would recognize and identify with local legislation.
To my knowledge there
are no acts of legislation specific to RFIDs in Canada.
I have proposed a Private
Members Bill entitled The Protection of Personal Information and Identity
Theft Prevention Act which is intended to enact substantially similar
legislation in Manitoba.
There is a “duty to notify” clause which I believe is the first
broadly-based obligation of its kind in Canada. This Bill was rejected by
the current NDP government as almost all private member’s Bills are. I do
believe that “duty to notify” clauses will appear in future
legislation regarding the protection of personal information and may be
considered in the current review of PIPEDA.
Your personal information defines you. It’s not just name, address, phone
number, e-mail address, social insurance number, bank account numbers, PINs,
date of birth, driver’s license, but declaration of ethnicity, religion,
sexual orientation, political affiliation and personal associations and
personal preferences, and to where you travel. It also includes biometrics like
photographs, finger and palm prints, facial and iris scans, and DNA.
Individuals need to protect
their personal information, and need to know why they should, before it is
given away for the sake of convenience and security. When we give up all our
personal information we become vulnerable to advancing technologies and those
who know how to misuse them. When we give up our personal information we give
up all our right to privacy.
Canadians view privacy rights
in several ways: the right to be left alone, the right to control what others
know about us, the right to expect that information about us should be gathered
only when it serves a specific purpose, and should be used only for that
purpose and it is a social value that is shared by the rest of the
Privacy is something we may
not think about until we don’t have it. And once we don’t have it
we will never get it back.
Annual Report to Parliament
2005 on the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, RFID
Technology, www.privcom.gc.ca/information/ar/200506/2005_pipeda_e.asp
RPP 2005-06\Offices of the
Information and privacy Commissioners,
Industry Canada – RFID
Beyond Customer mandate, www.strategis.ic.gc.ca
Compliance with Canadian data
Protection Laws, Are retailers measuring up? – April 2006, On the Data
Trail: How detailed information about you gets into the hands of organizations
with whom you have no relationship – April 2006, Canadian Internet Policy
and Public Interest Clinic, Faculty of Law/University of Ontario
Tag, You’re it: Privacy
Implications of Radio frequency Identification (RFID) Technology, RFIDs: Homing
in on Privacy Information and Privacy Commissioner Ontario, Commissioner
Cavoukian Issues RFID Guidelines aimed at protecting privacy, Guidelines for
using RFID tags in Ontario Public Libraries
RFID Journal: RFID vendors
need a privacy strategy, www.rfidjournal.com/article/articleview/2428/1/128/,
and other related articles
RFID: The Big Brother Bar
Code, www.spychips.com/alec-big-brother-barcode-article.html
RFID Nineteen Eight-Four,
www.spychips.com/press-releases/us-employees-verichipped.html, and other
related articles
Radio Frequency
Identification, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RFID
RFID Gazette Privacy,
EPC Global,
The horns of a security
dilemma – Mary Kirwan,
Identity Theft, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Identity_theft
Mapleleafweb – National
Identity cards – the next step?, Mapleleafweb – What about the
right to privacy? www.mapleleafweb.com/features/privacy/id_cards
Junkbusters – RFID and
Privacy, www.junkbusters.com/rfid.html
The year of RFID legislation,
Health –care chips could
get under your skin, www.expressnews.ualberta.ca/article.cfm?id=7633
Publica: Legal implications of
using RFID highlighted, www.heydary.com/publications/rfid-laws.html
it business.ca: Federal
Privacy Commissioner to tackle RFID,
Bruce Schneier on RFID
passports, www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2004/10/rfid_passports.html
Privacy Rights Clearing House:
A chronology of data breaches reported since the Choicepoint incident,