At the time this article was
written Gary Moncrief was Professor of political Science at Boise State
university. Joel Thompson was Chair of the Department of Political Science at
Appalachian State University
In a recent (Autumn 1988) issue of
this Review, there appeared an article entitled, "Full-Time House,
Part-Time Member?"1 It argued that Canadian MLAs are undergoing
the stress of trying to reconcile the public image of their job as a part-time
legislator with the fact that the demands of the job are full-time. This
situation is not unlike what we find in American state legislatures and it
spurred us to think about the types of people who serve in the subnational
legislatures of both countries. Are they similar? Do they share similar
backgrounds? Or do the differences between the subnational political systems of
these two countries yield different types of participants?
Differences in the American and
Canadian legislative systems can be described as differences in function, party
responsibility, and the role of the individual legislator. In the United
States, legislatures are generally described in terms of their lawmaking
function. In the parliamentary system, the legislative function is often
described as the provision of legitimation or criticism of the
government program. The reason for this difference, is that the executive
branch is such a powerful partner in the Canadian system.
The second distinction between the
two systems pertains to party responsibility. "Representative democracy in
Canada is so dominated by political parties that some experts believe the party
discipline exerted on most votes in our House of Commons and provincial
legislatures is the tightest in the democratic world."2 Several
authors have argued that the party whips browbeat their members into becoming
little more than obedient voting robots.
American observers, on the other
hand, often lament the lack of party discipline in U.S. legislatures. Clearly,
party control is stronger in some state legislatures than in others, but it is
highly unlikely that the quotation above could apply to any American
legislature today. The conventional wisdom is that most American legislators
are largely outside the reach of strict party control. The reasons for this are
numerous, but the nature of the electoral system (especially the primaries) and
campaign financing practices are often cited as two important factors.
Given differences in function and
party responsibility, it is not surprising that the role of the individual
legislator is different between the two systems. In most American legislatures,
the individual legislator is something of an electoral free-agent, building
influence and re-election success on constituency service, committee work, and
his/her own fundraising ability. In the Canadian legislative scheme, the
individual legislators's career is more closely tied to party fortunes, and
one's standing within the party. Legislators of the opposition party must be
content with the role of critic; legislators of the governing party who do not
hold a cabinet post are generally relegated to the backbenches.
When one thinks of American
legislatures and legislative behaviour, two words that often come to mind are
"compromise" and "log-rolling". The word that seems to
appear most often in discussions of Canadian parliaments and legislative
behaviour is "adversarial". These terms do indeed seem to capture the
essence of the differences between the two systems.
One of the interesting differences
between the subnational legislative systems is the role of careerism. In the
U.S. Congress, most individuals have prior service in state politics, often at
the state legislative level. In many states, the legislature is seen as an
important stepping-stone to higher office. This appears less true in the
Canadian system. Relatively few MPs first served as MLAs, and the recruitment
and career patterns appear to be somewhat different for MPs and MLAs.3
It is clear, then, that the roles and functions of the subnational legislatures
in the U.S. and Canada are different. The question before us now is, are the
legislators themselves different?
Some Characteristics of Canadian
MLAs and U.S. State Legislators
In earlier studies we have examined
background characteristics of American state legislators and their relationship
to constituency characteristics.4 Here we compare some of our U.S.
state legislative data to information on Canadian provincial MLAs. We have
gathered background data on all MLAs serving in provincial assemblies, as
reported in the 1988 Canadian Parliamentary Guide. We compare this to
our data taken from a sample of American states.
In the following table we provide
information on several variables. It reveals several interesting differences.
Comparison of Canadian MLAs and American State Legislators
United States
Average Years
% served 5 years
or less
% served 6 years
or more
%Born in Province/State
Born outside
High School or
Some College
College Degree
Graduate Degree
Single Member
Tenure: The average time served by American state legislators
is longer than for Canadian MLAs (8.8 years to 7.5 years). Moreover, the
proportion of state legislators serving six years or more (63.8%) is much
higher than is the case for MLAs (49.1%). What is interesting about this is the
fact that provincial electoral terms tend to be five years (unless an early
election is called), while most American electoral cycles are two or four
years. This means that American state legislators, as a group, must undergo
more elections than their Canadian counterparts in order to stay in office for
an extended period.
Education: In regards to the education variable,
there are modest differences between American and Canadian subnational
legislators. Generally, state legislators are somewhat more likely to have a
college degree or graduate degree than are MLAs. For example, 67.9% of U.S.
state legislators hold a college or graduate degree, while 58.5% of Canadian
MLAs hold such degrees.
Mobility: Canadian MLAs are more likely to be native
to the Province in which they serve. Four out of five Canadian MLAs were born
in the province. Less that two-thirds of American state legislators were born
in the state in which they serve. Of course, this is partially due to the fact
that Canadian provinces are much larger geographic areas than most American
states. In the U.S., however, there is great variation in the number of native
state legislators by state. In some states (especially in the West), a majority
of the state legislators were born elsewhere and subsequently moved into the
Gender: In the U.S., the last two decades have
witnessed a remarkable growth in the number of women serving in state
legislatures (their numbers have quadrupled). Today, almost 17% of all state
legislators are women, and in a few states the figure hovers around 30%.
Interestingly, the proportion of female MLAs is substantially less.
Moreover, the figures are
relatively constant. While less than 10% of the MLAs in Newfoundland, Nova
Scotia, and Saskatchewan are female, the remaining provinces range between 12%
and 14% women MLAs.
The differences outlined here are
simply illustrative of differences in the social and political subnational
systems of the two countries. We suspect that some of the differences (e.g. educational
attainment and percentage of women) are related to the differences in
urbanization between the two nations. Other variations are more likely a
product of differences in electoral structures. For example, it is
well-documented in the U.S. that female state legislators are more likely to be
drawn from multi-member electoral districts.5 Perhaps 30% of all
American state legislative districts are multi-member. But in Canada, almost
all electoral ridings are single member.
Additional explanations for the
differences between American and Canadian subnational legislators probably lie
in differences between recruitment patterns, the role of the political parties,
and the careerist-orientation of the legislatures. At this point, these are
speculations, however. It is clearly an area in which more research would be
1. Don Cousens, T. Huberts, and D.
MacDonald, "Full-Time House, Part-Time Member?", Canadian
Parliamentary Review, 1988, 11:2-6.
2. David Kilgour and J. Kirsner,
"Party Discipline and Canadian Democracy", Canadian Parliamentary
Review, 1988, 11:10.
3. See Doreen Barrie and R.
Gibbens, "Parliamentary Careers in the Canadian Federal State", 1989,
Canadian Journal of Political Science, 22:137-145.
4. Joel Thompson and G. Moncrief,
"Residential Mobility of American State Legislators", Paper presented
at the American Political Science Association annual meeting, 1988, Washington,
5. See R. Darcy, S. Welch, and J.
Clark, Women, Elections, and Representation, Longman, Inc. 1987, New
York. Also see Gary Moncrief and J. Thompson, "Electoral District
Characteristics and State Legislators' Backgrounds", 1989. Paper presented
at the 1989 Midwest Political Science Association annual meeting, Chicago,