At the time this article was written
Chris Charlton was a doctoral candidate in political science at the University
of Toronto
In parliamentary government there is a
constant tension between the government’s right to govern and the opposition’s
right to oppose. But when does legitimate opposition become obstruction? This
article examines some of the problems of defining obstruction and compares the
incidence of obstruction using data from the House of Commons and the Ontario
Legislative Assembly. Data used in the article are drawn from research for the
author’s doctoral dissertation on legislative obstruction in the House of
Commons and the Ontario Legislature.
Sir Erskine May’s seminal work on
parliamentary procedure in Britain makes eight separate references to
obstruction. The first six pertain to the rights of Members of Parliament,
Officers of Parliament, petitioners, witnesses, and counsel not to be
interfered with in the exercise of their duties before Parliament. All these
can be classified as breaches of privilege and contempts, and thus constitute
punishable offences. The other two, obstruction of the business of the House,
and obstruction by prolongation of debate, are qualitatively different. These
forms of obstruction occur within the framework of the rules, and as such can
be practised by members with relative impunity.
A Member who "abuses the rules of the
House by persistently and wilfully obstructing the business of the House",
that is to say, who without actually transgressing any of the rules of the
debate, uses his right of speech for the purpose of obstructing the business of
the House, or obstructs the business of the House by misusing the forms of the
House, is technically not guilty of disorderly conduct. It would seem,
therefore, that a Member so obstructing the business of the House cannot be
required ... to withdraw from the House for the remainder of the sitting. He
may be, however, guilty of contempt of the House, and may be named.
Comparatively little use has been made of this power by the Chair.1
Indeed, in Britain, there have only been
four instances where obstruction has led to Members being named, none in the
last seven decades.
Herein lies the difference between the two
broad types of obstruction. Breaches of privilege and contempts are subject to
punitive remedies which limit their impact on the overall legislative process,
whereas obstruction of the business of the House escapes such remedies, and
thus it is obstruction of the House, which must be understood in order to draw
meaningful conclusions about the legislative process.
What is Obstruction?
While academic literature, both on the
Ontario Legislature and the Canadian Parliament, is replete with references to
obstruction of the business of the House, only C.E.S. Franks has offered a
definition. He suggests that "legitimate dissent becomes obstruction when
it has no other purpose than to delay, when it is not exposing weakness or
moulding opinion, but simply preventing legislation from being passed"2.
Franks traces the roots of obstruction to "a change in the attitudes of
the opposition to government business", and laments the increasingly slow
pace at which the House of Commons processes the government’s agenda.
Although the Ontario Legislature and the
House of Commons do not share the same rules of procedure, their overall
legislative processes are strikingly similar.3 Both Houses follow
the general framework developed in Great Britain. All bills require three
First Reading refers to the introduction of
a bill. It is tabled, printed and made public. A brief explanation of the bill
may be given by the person moving its introduction, but no amendment or debate
is permitted. Second Reading seeks approval of the bill in principle, and
represents the first opportunity for debate. An affirmative vote on Second
Reading is followed by detailed consideration of the bill in committee, which
may either be done by a standing committee or the Committee of the Whole House.4
At this stage the bill is scrutinised and voted on clause-by-clause. Once
approved in committee, the bill is then reported back to the House. Report
Stage gives all Members of the House an opportunity to move and debate
amendments, after which they are asked to concur in the committee’s report.
Once concurrence is granted, the bill then goes to Third Reading for a final,
overall appraisal and vote. If that vote carries as well, the bill proceeds to
one last stage which, by convention, has simply become a formality: it is given
to the Queen’s representative for Royal Assent. At that point, the bill becomes
law, and takes effect on the proclamation date as set out in that law.5
Measuring Obstruction
One way to measure obstruction would be to
look at the number of bills passed as a percentage of the bills introduced. If
that percentage were less than 100%, a prima facie case could be made that the
opposition had been successful at obstructing the government’s agenda. In the
federal House, the average percentage of bills passed was 79%6
between 1974 and 1993, whereas in Ontario that percentage was 75% between 1975
and 1995. In both legislatures, therefore, over one-fifth of the government
bills introduced died on the Order Paper.
However obstruction alone cannot account for
the discrepancy between the number of bills introduced and passed. Indeed just
a few examples will suffice to make the point. As Bob Rae has noted there are
all kinds of pressures from different sources to get legislation onto the
parliamentary agenda.
Halfway through the life of the government
in the winter of 1993, we were still doing far too much. Every minister had a
pet project, which she or he wouldn’t, and couldn’t abandon. In addition, every
ministry had its own policy shop determined to solve every conceivable problem
with legislation, legislation, legislation.... The result was an agenda that
was huge and almost impossible to manage.7
Yet managed it needed to be, and a new
process was set up by the government to subject each emerging legislative
proposal to the scrutiny of a newly formed House Management Committee.
The primary focus of this committee’s work
was to priorize items on the Ministers’ wish lists to create a manageable
legislative agenda. A key criterion guiding this exercise was the perceived
availability of House time for dealing with the government’s legislation. This
was highlighted in one of the committee’s reports to Caucus:
The House will have a capacity to make
progress on 40 legislative items at any stage during the Fall sitting: this
represents a slight increase over the actual progress made in previous
sittings. A larger capacity was not selected because, notwithstanding the rule
changes, many items are quite controversial and most of the carryover bills
have only received first reading. Note that the priority list of 40 items
includes both new and carryover legislation; as well as items that are expected
to receive progress at only one stage.8
A key constraint on the magnitude of the
government’s legislative agenda was thus the anticipated opposition to some of
its priority initiatives which was deemed to reduce the available House time to
deal with other matters. As a result, only 40 items were categorised as
legislative priorities for the upcoming session, whereas 49 further initiatives
were designated as non-priorities. To put this into the context of first
readings, 41 additional bills would have been introduced, had the government
not felt constrained by the opposition’s ability to manipulate available House
time. Indirectly, therefore, the opposition did have a significant impact on
constraining the government’s legislative agenda, although this fact could not
have been gleaned from a simple analysis of the number of bills passed as a
percentage of those introduced.
A purely statistical analysis may also
over-represent an opposition’s ability to influence the government’s agenda. In
the spring of 1990, the worst-kept secret around Queen’s Park was that Premier
David Peterson had decided to call an election during the summer. Yet in the
last month of the Spring Sitting alone, the government introduced 29 new bills.
There was, of course, no expectation that all of these bills would pass.9
Rather, their purpose was symbolic: If you want these bills passed, re-elect
us. In fact, in this particular case, 24 of the 29 bills received no
consideration at all beyond First Reading.
Government Legislation 1974-1993
30th Parliament
31st Parliament
32nd Parliament
33rd Parliament
34th Parliament
Bills introduced
at First Reading that were passed
called at 2nd reading that were passed
% of House
time spent on 2nd reading
requiring less than 2 hrs debate at 2nd reading
requiring more than 9 hrs debate at 2nd reading
time per bill spent at 2nd Reading
time per bill at report stage
time per bill spent in Committee of the Whole
Total time
at Report Stage and Committee of the Whole
Eligible Bills
sent to Standing Committee
Time spent at 3rd Reading (minutes)
House gime spent on all stage of a bill`s passsage (minutes)
While this is not unusual in pre-election
periods, it does highlight the problem of using the ratio of First to Third
Readings as being indicative of an opposition’s success at obstructing a
government’s program. If one examines the total number of bills passed in the
2nd Session of the 34th Parliament as a percentage of those introduced, then
the value is 60%. If, however, one were to exclude the 24 bills that were
introduced, but not passed, in the last month of that Session, then the
percentage rises to nearly 80%. Surely a government’s success at completing its
legislative agenda cannot be measured by including bills that it never intended
to pass. Or, put differently, an opposition’s success at obstruction cannot be
measured by including those same bills. The discrepancy thus inflates the
actual impact that opposition parties had on the Liberals’ legislative agenda,
and must be taken into account when using First Reading analyses as being
indicative of obstruction.
Only government insiders know for certain
whether items introduced in the House were intended to receive further
consideration. And without such information, it is impossible to draw accurate
conclusions about an opposition’s impact on the government’s legislative agenda
from statistics on first and third readings.
Perhaps a more accurate picture of
obstruction can be drawn by focusing on those bills that did receive
consideration beyond their introduction. While calling a bill for Second
Reading may not be a conclusive expression of a government’s intent to see the
legislation passed, it is a much more reliable indicator than the First Reading
stage. Indeed, in both the federal House and the Ontario Legislature, the
number of bills passed as a percentage of those called for Second Reading is 95%.
No wonder that Canadian legislators deem the Second Reading stage to be
"the high and decisive point of the [legislative] process".10
In part, the importance ascribed to Second Reading
can be explained by the modern day reality that it represents the first stage
at which a bill is subject to legislative debate. It provides a legitimate
forum for both government and opposition parties to stake out their positions
on proposed legislation, and to use it as a launching pad for public education
and persuasion. While such debate is technically limited to the principle of a
bill, Chairs both in the House of Commons and the Ontario Legislature tend to
be "indulgent of members whose remarks stray across the nebulous line
between principle and detail".11 Thus they uphold the potential
for Second Reading to become the primary legislative forum for the articulation
of the competing views espoused by political parties.
An equally significant reason for the
importance attributed to Second Reading, however, arises out of an anachronism
in House procedure. As John Stewart explains,
When the basic legislative process was
evolving in England most public bills were what we today would call private members’
public bills. The debate whether or not to have a bill read a second time came
to serve as a final screen, after various coarser screens, such as the question
on leave to introduce and the question on first reading, which then were
debatable, to prevent weakly supported bills from advancing to the
time-consuming committee stage. But the situation is very different now. It is
assumed now that the government has the duty to take the lead in providing for
the governance of the country, ... [and] the House has put most of its time at
the disposal of the government. ... In other words, the House has arranged to
have the decisions as to which bills are to go forward made in an entirely
different way. Yet the Canadian House of Commons continues to use the second
reading motion as if it were performing a genuine screening function.12
Thus, despite the fact that the Second
Reading stage no longer serves its original purpose, it is still being treated
by legislators as the most important stage in the entire legislative process.
Evidence of the significance attributed to
this stage of the process can be found by looking at the amount of time spent
on Second Readings as a proportion of the total time spent on all stages of a
bill’s consideration. Debates at Second Reading consume well over half of the
total time spent on government business, both in the House of Commons and the
Ontario Legislature. The only exception is the 34th Parliament at Ottawa,
(1989-1993) but even it spent over 49% of its time on Second Readings. And, in
Ontario, the average time spent at this stage of the process is closer to
two-thirds of the total time. Second Reading clearly does dominate the entire
legislative agenda.
That being the case, students of legislative
obstruction would expect to find critical evidence at this stage of the
process. After all, if Second Reading dominates the legislative agenda, and
obstruction is an attempt by opposition parties to have an impact on that
agenda, it would follow that evidence of obstruction would manifest itself at
this stage of the process. Indeed, Ned Franks pursues precisely this line of
He draws on an analysis of time spent at
Second Reading. "In 1969-70, thirty-four out of sixty-five government
bills, or 52 percent, were debated for less than two hours at Second Reading.
By 1974 this proportion had dropped to only three out of fifteen, or 20
percent, and it is still at this low level. ... This situation is not a
satisfactory one".13 For Franks, therefore, the level of debate
at Second Reading is indicative of the existence of obstruction, and by
quantifying those levels, he has created a yardstick against which to measure
the pace at which subsequent Parliaments have processed the governments
business. If the levels have remained at the above levels, it would follow from
Franks that obstruction has continued to exist.
Applying this test to subsequent Parliaments
two things become apparent. First, Franks is wrong in asserting that the
percentage of bills passed at Second Reading in less than two hours has
remained at its 20 percent low. That figure, however, was only intended to show
that, in the consideration of government business, obstruction had become
worse. Thus, even the 1969 level of 52 % must be read as being indicative of
obstruction. After all, Franks did suggest that the hostile attitudes of
opposition parties has congealed by 1964, and by 1969 obstruction had already
become the norm. Any data falling in line with the 52 percent range that he
identified in 1969 must be read as evidence of obstruction. And indeed, for the
five Parliaments starting with the 30th in 1974, the percentages of bills that
were passed at Second Reading in less than two hours approximate Franks’
threshold: the respective levels are 49% in the 30th Parliament, 36% in the
31st, 55% in the 32nd, 61% in the 33rd, and 54% in the 34th. De facto evidence
of obstruction would thus appear to exist for the House of Commons.
Franks does not quantify an absolute level
at which one can separate "normal" debate from obstruction. In the
absence of comparative data from the early 1950s, one could be forgiven for
thinking that the 61 percent level of the 33rd Parliament is far enough away
from Franks’ yardstick of 52 percent that obstruction may not have been a
factor from 1984 to 1988. Here, however, the Ontario data prove illustrative.
In Ontario, from 1975 to 1990, over 80 percent of all government bills passed
Second Reading in less than two hours. The data are: 83% in the 30th
Legislature, 90% in the 31st Legislature, 84% in the 32nd Legislature, 80% in
the 33rd Legislature, and 80% in the 34th Legislature. It was not until the
35th Parliament that the level in Ontario dropped to 47 percent. By using these
data in a comparative context, it thus becomes possible to support Franks’
conclusion that obstruction has indeed become the norm in the Canadian House of
Commons, and to suggest further that, in Ontario, obstruction only became a
factor after the 1990 election.
Further evidence of this conclusion can be
derived from an analysis of the other extreme of Second Reading debates: those
bills which took more than nine hours to complete. Since Franks’ definition of
obstruction suggests that it has no other purpose than to delay, it needs to be
determined whether that objective is actually being met. After all, it is
possible that all of the bills that required more than two hours of
consideration passed Second Reading after two hours and one minute of debate.
This would make Franks’ conclusion suspect. Fortunately, however, a closer look
at the data prove those fears to be groundless.
Beginning again with a look at the House of
Commons, it becomes apparent that in every Parliament from 1974 to 1993 over
10% of all government bills required more than nine hours of debate at the Second
Reading stage. In Ontario, by comparison, less than 3% of the government bills
in each Parliament between 1975 and 1990 required that amount of time. In fact,
8 of the 17 Sessions in these five Legislatures had no bills in this category
at all. Only in the 35th Legislature did that number rise to over 10%. And
that, of course, would seem to confirm the earlier conclusion that obstruction
did not emerge in Ontario until after the 1990 election.
One final set of data lends credence to this
case. While thus far the discussion has focused on the percentages of bills
passed at Second Reading within certain time frames, an analysis of the average
length of time spent at this stage of debate leads to a similar conclusion. In
each of the federal Parliaments from 1974 to 1993, the average length of debate
at Second Reading was well over three hours. In Ontario, however, bills in each
of the five Legislatures from 1975 to 1990 were debated, on average, for less
than an hours and a half each. Not until 1990 does this average increase
dramatically. In the 35th Legislature, the average length of debate on
government bills at Second Reading increased to three hours and fifty-three
minutes. Once again, therefore, it is not until 1990 that the Ontario
Legislature appears to conform to the obstructionist norm which Franks would
suggest is reflected in the federal data.
Analysis of Second Readings alone, however,
cannot suffice to prove the existence of obstruction. After all, if obstruction
has no other purpose than to delay and to prevent legislation from being
passed, one would expect that opposition parties would use each stage of the
legislative process to draw out the discussion of bills. If that were not the
case, one would simply be able to confirm that Second Readings merited
increased attention because they were the high and decisive point of the
legislative process. To prove the existence of obstruction, therefore, it is
imperative to search for corroborating evidence at each of the subsequent
stages of the legislative process.14
For purposes of tracing the existence of
obstruction, therefore, the critical next stages for gathering evidence are the
report stage and debate in Committee of the Whole. In all but one of the five federal
Parliaments, it would appear that referrals to a standing committee have not
precluded opposition parties from pursuing lengthy debates on the floor of the
House at Report Stage.
Since the standing committees provide ample
opportunity for legislation to be scrutinized in detail, one would expect that
a "short" debate upon a bill being reported back to the House could
be concluded in less than an hour. And yet, between 1974 and 1993, more than
30% of all bills coming out of committees required in excess of one hour of
debate. In fact, over the whole period, almost 10% of such bills were
considered for more than nine hours. In the earlier discussion on Second
Reading debates, a statistic of that magnitude was deemed to be conclusive in
proving the existence of obstruction. If that case could be made persuasively
for the "high and decisive point of the entire legislative process",
then surely it applies with equal force to a stage that was intended to be but
a short part of the process.
Ontario’s rules of procedure do not entail
the automatic referral of legislation to standing committees that Ottawa
adopted in 1968. In this respect, the process in Ontario mirrors the conditions
prevailing in the House of Commons prior to committee reform. While this is not
to suggest that data drawn from Ontario will be an exact representation of the
pre-’68 House of Commons, they likely do portray a reasonable approximation. If
anything, they may under-represent the amount of time spent at Committee of the
Whole. Ontario’s emphasis on Second Readings leaves even less time for debate
at subsequent stages than does the House of Commons.
Table 2
Ontario Government Legislation 1975-1995
introduced at First Reading that were passed
called at 2nd reading that were passed
% of House
time spent on 2nd reading
requiring less than 2 hrs debate at 2nd reading
Bills requiring
more than 9 hrs debate at 2nd reading
time per Bill spent at 2nd reading (hrs:min)
time per bill spent in Committee of the Whole
Bills sent to Standing Committee
time spent in Committee of the Whole)
Bill that
by-passed Committee of the Whole
Time spent at 3rd Reading
time spent on all stages of a bill`s passage (minutes)
Since the Report stage in the Ontario
Legislature is "almost invariably pro forma" it is Committee of the
Whole which in fact becomes the forum where the work of standing committees is
reviewed. Thus, in Ontario, Committee of the Whole encompasses all of the
debates which in the federal House are delineated by two separate stages of the
process: the Report stage and Committee of the Whole. For comparative purposes,
therefore, data from Ottawa’s several stages need to be combined in order for
them to be consistent with Ontario. And, when that analysis is undertaken, it
is clear that the committee reforms did not reduce the total percentage of
House time consumed by debates between Second and Third Readings. In Ontario,
an average of 29% was taken up by debates at Committee of the Whole, and in
Ottawa, the Committee of the Whole and Report stages together took up 31% of
the time. Even if data from the 31st Parliament are excluded because they
represent only eight bills, the percentage in the federal House is still at
28%. Clearly, committee reforms in the House of Commons have not achieved any
significant savings of time on the floor of the House. As Franks puts it:
Regardless of the hopes reformers might have
had, standing committees have not noticeably reduced the pressures of time in
the House. Debate ... is still prolonged, repetitive and unproductive. Whatever
the satisfaction committee members might have found in the examination of
legislation in the standing committees, this had little impact in the House
itself. Although members from all parties might be happy with a piece of
legislation in committee, other members of the opposition caucus might be less
happy when it reaches the House and would insist on having their say then. ...
As long as the opposition has nothing to gain by expediting business, and the government
is unable to impose some discipline on the parliamentary timetable, this
problem will remain regardless of improvements made to committees.15
And since obstruction is defined by Franks
as having no other purpose than to delay, continued long, repetitive and
unproductive debates are a tell-tale sign that obstruction has continued to
exist in the House of Commons.
In Ontario, obstruction at Committee of the
Whole is not as readily discernible. In part, this can be attributed to the
absence of automatic referrals of bills to standing committees after Second
Reading. An average of less than 17.5% of all government bills were sent out to
committee between 1975 and 1995, compared to 55.4% of bills in the federal
House from 1974 to 1993. In Ontario, it was thus inevitable that those that did
go to committee represented "the most contentious and most significant in
the government’s program".16 That being the case, one would
expect that debates on such bills would be lengthy, even in Committee of the
Whole, and it would be difficult to suggest that such debates are indicative of
obstruction. After all, even Franks concedes that "the opposition must
have the opportunity to examine legislation, expose weakness, and allow opinion
to form".
Conversely, in almost every Ontario
Legislature from 1975 to 1995, more than 50% of the government bills that
eventually were enacted, by-passed altogether consideration in Committee of the
Whole. That, of course, is not possible in the House of Commons, where every
bill must be dealt with either in Committee of the Whole, or at the report
stage of the process. For students of legislative obstruction, therefore, a
more fruitful line of analysis flows out of Third Readings, where federal and
provincial procedures are once again the same, and where relevant comparisons
allow themselves to be made.
Third Reading
In both the House of Commons and the Ontario
Legislature, one would expect Third Readings to be simply pro forma, since
neither Parliament allows amendments to be made at this stage of the process.
While technically it would be in order to move that a bill be sent back to
committee with instructions to make specific amendments, such motions, which
once were quite common, are all but unknown today. Third Readings thus have
evolved into a stage for "rubber-stamping" decisions made elsewhere
in the process. Since they do not affect the legislative outcome, debates at
this stage of the process are generally deemed to be entirely unproductive.
And, according to Franks, of course, unproductive debates are always indicative
of obstruction, since they serve no other purpose than to delay the passage of
a bill. It is little wonder, therefore, that Franks is convinced that "any
debate at Third Reading is a sign that obstruction exists".
While Franks, once again, has offered a
yardstick for measuring the existence of obstruction, it may seem extreme, at
first, to interpret that yardstick literally. After all, "any" would
suggest that even a single sentence spoken in support of a bill would
constitute obstruction. While that likely was not the original intent, it
nonetheless proves worthwhile to pursue that line of analysis. Both in the
House of Commons and the Ontario Legislature, a significant number of bills in
fact were not subject to "any" Third Reading debate. In Ottawa,
between 1974 and 1993, a total of 330 bills fall into that category, accounting
for 41% of all bills passed, whereas in Ontario, between 1975 and 1995, the figures
are 1,007 bills, or 82%. These percentages are hardly insignificant, and they
speak to the fact that it is indeed possible for bills to pass Third Reading
without "any" debate. Conversely, however, these data also
demonstrate that 59% of federal bills and 18% of provincial ones fall into the
category that Franks deems to be indicative of obstruction.
In light of these latter percentages, one
may well wonder why as recently as 1989, Graham White was able to conclude
that, in the Ontario Legislature, debate at Third Reading was still unusual.
While 18% does indeed represent a minority of the overall legislation, the
figure is hardly insignificant. And yet, rather than undermining Frank’s
general observation, White’s analysis in fact points to the veracity of an
earlier contention: obstruction in Ontario did not emerge until after the 1990
election. Only when the 18% are broken down by Parliament does a true picture
of obstruction emerge.
White suggests three categories for
analysing the time spent at Third Reading: bills that required no debate at
all; bills that required fifteen minutes or less; and bills that required more
than fifteen minutes. The average length of time spent on Third Reading debates
is less than 15 minutes in each of the five Parliaments prior to 1990: half a
minute in both the 30th and 31st Parliaments, 4 minutes in the 32nd, 14 minutes
in the 33rd, and 10 minutes in the 34th. But in the 35th Parliament, the
average time spent at this stage of the process was over a full hour, or 68 minutes
of debate.
Clearly, in each of these instances, the
35th Parliament stands out as the exception that proves White’s rule. Debate at
Third Reading in Ontario was indeed unusual up until 1989. Only after 1990 were
the majority of bills subjected to lengthy Third Reading debates. While,
according to Franks, that in itself is indicative of the existence of
obstruction, a comparison with the federal data from 1974 to 1993 lends
credence to that assertion by showing that the provincial data from Ontario’s 35th
Parliament are entirely consistent with the period in the federal House where
obstruction was said to be the norm. In Ontario, only 33% of all bills required
no debate at Third Reading, whereas in Ottawa, the average over the five
Parliaments was 41%. Fifty-three percent of the bills required more than 15
minutes of debate in Ontario, whereas 49% fell into that category federally;
and while the average length of Third Reading debates was 68 minutes in
Ontario, it was 78 minutes in Ottawa. If Franks is thus correct in asserting
that obstruction has become the norm in the Canadian Parliament, then one can
only conclude that the same thing has become true for Ontario’s 35th
In the federal House, from 1974 to 1993, the
average amount of House time required for a bill to become law was 7 hours and
45 minutes. From 1975 to 1989, the average time in Ontario was 1 hour and 57
minutes. Only in the 35th Legislature did the time spent in Ontario once again
come to approximate the data from the House of Commons: from 1990 to 1995, the
average time required was 5 hours and 55 minutes. And if delay is a measure of
obstruction, then the 35th Legislature again fits Ottawa’s mould.
What the foregoing analysis makes clear, is
that it is indeed possible to build a quantitative case to prove the existence
of obstruction. By building on the data offered by Ned Franks, it is possible
to update his analysis to show that obstruction has remained the norm in
Canada’s House of Commons, and to suggest even further, that obstruction has
also emerged in the legislative process of Ontario, albeit not until after the
election of 1990. The only prerequisite to building such a case is to apply,
uncritically, the criteria drawn from Franks. For if one challenges those
assumptions, the proof is much less definitive. But that potential distortion
is the subject for another article.
1. Sir Charles Gordon, ed., Erskine May’s
Treatise on The Law, Privileges, Proceedings and Usage of Parliament, 20th ed.,
(London: Butterworths, 1983). p. 446.
2. C.E.S. Franks, The Parliament of Canada,
(University of Toronto Press: Toronto, 1987) 131.
3. For a detailed review of the legislative
processes in the House of Commons and the Ontario Legislature see John Stewart,
The Canadian House of Commons, (McGill Queens University Press: Montreal, 1977)
Chapter 4, and Graham White, The Ontario Legislature, (University of Toronto
Press; Toronto, 1989).
4. In 1994, the House of Commons adopted
rule changes allowing a bill to go to committee after First Reading, before it
had been approved in principle. Since this article is limited to the period of
1974-1993 federally, that change is of little consequence for the study at
5. In Ottawa, all bills need to pass Third
Reading in identical form in both the House of Commons and the Senate. Since
the Ontario Parliament does not have an Upper House, the comparative focus of
this study will limit itself solely to the legislative processes of the House
of Commons in Ottawa and the Legislature in Toronto.
6. This calculation does not include the
1979 minority government of Joe Clark, since it was aborted prematurely when
the government lost the confidence of the House and an election was called.
7. Bob Rae, From Protest to Power, (Penguin
Books: Toronto 1996), p.236.
8. House Management Committee, Presentation
to the NDP Caucus Retreat in the Fall of 1992, 1.
9. Interview with Jim Bradley, MPP (St.
Catharine’s), Nov. 25, 1996.
10. Stewart, op. cit. p. 83.
11. White, op. cit. p. 124.
12. Stewart, op. cit. p. 83-4.
13. Franks, op. cit. p. 130.
14. The one exception to this imperative is
the review of government bills by standing committees. Admittedly, such an
exception likely seems counter-intuitive at first. After all, bills that are
sent to a standing committee generally receive more attention in that forum
than in all other stages of the process combined. One would thus think that
committees represent the ideal forum for the deliberate prolongation of debate.
And yet, standing committees to date have not been a strategic focus of
opposition attempts at obstruction.
15. Franks, op. cit. pp. 170-1.
16. White, op. cit. p. 129.