At the time this article was written
Graham White was a Committee Clerk with the Ontario Legislative Assembly
Far-reaching changes have transformed
virtually every facet of the Ontario Legislature in recent years. New
procedures for Private Members' business ensure that a certain number of
Private Members' Bills are called for Second Reading; a number have been given
second Reading and have gone to Committee, and one has passed into law. Not
surprisingly, these provisions have attracted the lion's share of the attention
directed to the procedural changes brought in at the end of 1976. To be sure,
they do represent a highly significant change, yet another innovation is just
as unusual and probably has a substantially greater influence on the conduct of
public business and in overall political impact: this is the new rule which
gives to a fairly small minority of the House the opportunity to send a
Ministry or agency's annual report to a Committee for consideration. This
article describes how the rule has been employed and briefly discusses some of
its implications.
Provisional Order 7, adopted December 18,
1976, provided:
The Clerk of the House shall maintain a
record in his office of those reports required by Statutes which have been
tabled and those outstanding. The Government shall present all such reports
within six months of the close of the reporting period, unless reasons are
given to the House: Annual Reports of the immediate past reporting period for
each Ministry, and Boards, Commissions, and other Agencies reporting through
each Minister, shall be tabled in the House before consideration of that
Ministry's estimates, unless reasons are given to the House. On the petition of
any 20 Members, any such report tabled shall be referred to a committee of the
This rule must be understood within the
framework of minority government. It probably would not have come into being
and it certainly would have had a lesser effect in a majority government
Before embarking on an examination of
Provisional Order 7, a word on its genesis may be of interest. In its fourth
report (September, 1975), the Ontario Commission on the Legislature (the
"Camp Commission") decried the Government's failure to table many
reports as required by statute. Responsibility for this unhappy condition was
laid at both Ministers' and Members' doors - Ministers for not taking seriously
their statutory responsibilities, and Members for not objecting to this abrogation
of their right to information. The Commission accordingly recommended that the
Clerk's Office monitor the fulfillment of statutory requirements to table
annual reports in the Legislature. In an altogether separate vein, the
Commission suggested that one way for the Legislature to scrutinise and
evaluate the myriad agencies, boards and commissions it has created would be to
provide that, on petition of a third of the Members of the House, an annual
report could be referred to a Committee of the House for study. Although the
actual wording did include the reports of the parent Ministries, there was no
indication that this procedure would be applied to them.
The Select Committee which evaluated the
Camp Commission recommendations on procedure advocated the maintenance by the
Clerk's Office of an up-to-date listing of all reports required by statute, the
tabling of reports within two months of the close of the reporting period (or
before consideration of the Ministry's estimates), and provision for 12 Members
to send a report to Committee. (Twelve Members are necessary under the
Legislative Assembly Act to constitute a party.)
The Select Committee's recommendations were
the subject of intense "behind the Chair" negotiations among the
parties. During this process, neither the Government nor the Opposition fully
realised the potential uses of the new rule. The expectation was that it would
be used to permit closer evaluation of a particular agency, board or
commission, or else to serve as a springboard for a wide-ranging evaluation of
policy within a Ministry. Even this, of course, stood as a departure of very
great moment, but more profound ramifications were to emerge later.
The basic principles of the Select
Committee's recommendation were thus retained, though compromises were struck
on six months' grace for tabling a report, and a petition of 20 Members rather
than 12. Although the figure of 20 has been rationalised as being the quorum of
the House, this figure simply represented a compromise between the Government
and the Opposition parties. Nonetheless, the figure of 20 may be critical,
since although the two opposition parties have enjoyed more than 30 Members
since 1975, in previous years, one or both of them frequently hovered around
the level of 20 Members.
The new orders had been in place for more
than a year before Provisional Order 7 was used to send a report to a
Committee. In the midst of an acrimonious confrontation over a proposed raise in
health insurance premiums, the Official Opposition referred the annual report
of the Ministry of Health to the Standing Social Development Committee. This
manoeuvre allowed the opposition parties to focus attention more sharply on the
issue, to prolong the controversy, and to shape it far more than would have
been possible in the House, particularly since the premiums were to be raised
by regulation and hence no legislation was before the House. In the end, the
compromise over this issue was in great measure determined by the direction
taken by the Committee's deliberations. Of course, the outcome would have been
substantially different and the significance of the procedure under Provisional
Order 7 much diminished had the episode not occurred in a context of minority
The most telling aspect of this exercise was
that, while the Committee was supposedly considering the annual report on the
activities of the gigantic Health Ministry, it was in point of fact devoting
its entire attention to one issue, and a singularly narrowly defined issue at
that. When the rule was formulated, no one had envisaged that it might be used
to focus on one specific issue, which was only tangentially raised in a report.
If it went well beyond original intentions, however, the recourse to
Provisional Order 7 in the "0HIP affair" represented a particularly
creative use of the rules for political purposes.
Because of the time spent by the Committee
on the Ministry of Health Report, the time allotted to the Ministry's estimates
was, by agreement, subsequently reduced from 20 to 11 hours. For the
Opposition, this was clearly a price worth paying. As elsewhere, Estimates
debates in Ontario are highly unsatisfactory to Members on both sides of the
House. Save rare appearances by party leaders, Estimates are largely ignored by
the press, and debate is typically discursive and futile; Estimates are
permeated by a feeling that many participants are simply going through the
motions. Thus the opportunity to focus on a single issue and to structure
debate in a more favourable manner than is possible in the House, renders
Provisional Order 7 a formidable weapon in the Opposition arsenal, much to be
preferred over the Estimates for most purposes.
This lesson was not lost on the Opposition,
and within a few weeks, the annual reports of three other Ministries -
Agriculture and Food, Energy and Environment - had been referred to Committees
under Provisional Order 7. In the first instance, the aim was again to
highlight a single point of contention -- merchandising of agricultural
products. In the other cases, discussion of a somewhat broader range of issues
was intended, though certainly not so broad as to include all, or even most of
the topics included in the reports. More recently, Provisional Order 7 has been
used for the first time to refer the report of a provincial agency (the Ontario
Highway Transportation Board, the centre of several political skirmishes in
recent years), to a Committee. At the time of writing, the Committee to which this
report has been referred has yet to deal with it, and it ranks low in the
Committee's priorities.
On paper, Provisional Order 7 adds little to
the opportunities available to the Opposition for raising and pursuing an
issue. Ample opportunities would seem to exist both in the House and in
Committees through Question Period, Estimates, Concurrence debates, Throne
Speech and Budget debates, emergency debates and so on for the opposition to
carry the attack on particular issues. In political terms, however, this is not
an accurate appraisal. In the first place, it is difficult to mount a concerted
assault on the Government when the opportunities for so doing are sprinkled
throughout the Parliamentary timetable; the attack becomes fragmented and lacks
Secondly, and far more importantly, rousing
media attention is simply much easier with a vehicle like a Committee, which
presents an unfolding story and has a high dramatic potential. All the same,
the two most "successful" resorts to Provisional Order 7 centred on
issues which lent themselves particularly well to extensive media coverage, and
this will not likely be repeated in all circumstances. Furthermore, as the
device is used more often, the novelty may wear off, and with it press
One of the Members of the Procedural Affairs
Committee, which was reviewing the Standing and Provisional Orders, commented
that Provisional Order 7 "is something of a grab-bag within which you can
discuss anything, often including something that isn't even in the damned
report". This is not far from the truth, though the exceedingly nebulous
language in which these reports are of times couched offers any , number of
possibilities upon which the Committees could focus. It is of course possible,
although this has yet to occur, that Provisional Order 7 could be used to allow
a Committee to examine an entire policy field, without either the time
constraints, or the requirement to limit debate to specified programmes or
votes which characterise estimates. Furthermore, in this way the Opposition has
a chance to investigate a particular issue or policy even if the Estimates of
the Ministry in question have already been debated.
The requirement under the order that the
Clerk's office maintain a list of reports required by statute may seem simple
housekeeping, but it is a matter of some importance. (Curiously, this is a
revival of a rule that was dropped from the Standing Orders in the 1930's.)
Interested Members may now check on particular reports with a single phone call
to a central location. Occasions on which Ministers have given reasons for the
tardiness of reports falling under their ambit have been rare, although some
number have been overdue. At the end of the last session, by way of
illustration, among the overdue reports were those of three Ministries.
Significantly perhaps, no Member has risen on a point of order to complain of
an overdue report.
An additional benefit accruing from
Provisional Order 7 is the existence of an accurate, comprehensive list of
agencies which by statute must report to the Legislature. This has brought to
the fore some striking anomalies arising from the inconsistent manner in which
requirements for the tabling of annual reports have been written into
legislation creating new agencies. By way of illustration, the Denture
Therapist Appeal Board must report to the Legislature, but there is no such
requirement for the Ontario Human Rights Commission. Only slightly more than
100 of the province's more than 700 agencies, boards and commissions are
legally bound to submit reports to the Legislature; still, this number does
include the great bulk of large, important agencies. A recently adopted report
of the Procedural Affairs Committee recommended that reports of all agencies be
tabled. This stands to enhance the importance of Provisional Order 7 greatly.
Objections have been raised to the procedure
permitted under Provisional Order 7 on several grounds. Perhaps the most
frequently sounded criticism holds that it confers unwarranted power on a small
faction of the House and thereby usurps the House's prerogatives. This is true
to a degree, but it overlooks two powerful restraints on the invocation of
Provisional Order 7. First, though an issue may be debated in a Committee and
recommendations proffered, only the House may take action. If true in a
technical sense, this ignores a key political point - the pressures for action
which may be generated or accentuated by the Committee's activities. Secondly,
it remains the right of the Committee to decide on the priority it wishes to
set on the referred report - or the issue for which it serves as a proxy - and
whether it cares to deal with the matter at all. Indeed in one instance where
Provisional Order 7 was employed to send a Ministry report to a Committee in
the hope of singling out for attention a particular set of issues, the
Committee gave only perfunctory 11 consideration" to the report, in effect
deciding to ignore it.
The view has also been put forward that it
is hardly outrageous to permit 20 Members to refer a matter to a Committee,
simply for study, when the same number constitutes a quorum of the House for
the conduct of the province's affairs.
Agreement is widespread, however, that the
procedure is "messy" and that if 20 Members care to put an issue
before a Committee, they should have a straightforward mechanism for so doing,
rather than being forced to twist a rule to a use for which it was never
intended. This is tied in with the larger question ,of Committees ordering
their own business as well as considering matters not specifically referred to
them by the House. The issue here is not whether Committees should be free to
disregard their terms of reference, but whether they might not be more
effective with broadly defined mandates, so that, like the Public Accounts
Committee, they could, within policy fields, pick and choose their topics. This
is a matter of current concern in the Ontario Legislature, and although
specific problems have been resolved, in part through Provisional Order 7, the
basic principle remains very much at issue.
This past December, Provisional Order 7 was
incorporated into the Assembly's Standing Orders with only minor drafting
changes. This rule represents an important departure, as an instrument for the
Opposition, and in the evolution of the Committee system. Provisional Order 7
cannot be said to infringe on the Government's right to govern, but it clearly
gives the Members of the Legislature a greater measure of control over the
activities of the Assembly