Canadian Parliamentary Review

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From time to time magazines, like people, have to stop and think about where they are going and whether they are living up to objectives set by themselves and expected by others. The goal of the Canadian Parliamentary, Review is to foster the study of and respect for parliamentary institutions in Canada. The readership is mainly elected officials. Articles are sought on the basis of their likelihood to inform or entertain members of a very unique profession. By seeking original material in both English and French by knowledgeable members, staffers and outside experts the Review serves the additional function of making available material on Parliament that otherwise would probably not circulate beyond one language group. Finally the Review is intended to serve members not only in their capacity as federal, provincial or territorial legislators but also as members of a particular fraternity of parliamentarians, the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association.

The editors have received much correspondence from members indicating satisfaction with the magazine. Nevertheless we decided to seek a more scientific survey of readers' opinion. Last year a questionnaire was sent to all Canadian parliamentarians who belong to the CPA. More than one hundred replies were received, the vast majority of which indicated general satisfaction with all sections of the Review; feature articles, legislative reports, book reviews, CPA activities and information about people. A number of ideas for future articles were suggested. Some criticisms were also received which should help to improve both the format and content of future issues.

The last two questions in the survey concerned distribution of the magazine. The editors were encouraged to learn that about eighty per cent of the respondents wanted to see the Review have a wider circulation. However, this raised the question of whether there should be a subscription price for non-parliamentary readers, the number of whom is growing with each issue. On this matter the respondents were more divided but a majority still favoured a subscription price over the present system of free on request distribution. The editorial board has subsequently authorized introduction of a subscription price subject to approval by the Canadian Regional Council of CPA.

The editors are grateful to all parliamentarians who took the time to respond to our questionnaire. A complete summary of the readership survey has been prepared and is available upon request.

In view of the favourable response the time has come to stop thinking about where we are going and to go! The wishes of the readers are clear, it is now up to the editors, the editorial board and ultimately the Canadian Regional Council to insure that the Review continues to satisfy the membership of CPA and be of interest to the wider community as well.

Canadian Parliamentary Review Cover
Vol 5 no 1

Last Updated: 2020-09-14