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CPA Activities: The Canadian SceneCPA Activities: The Canadian Scene

Eighteenth Canadian Regional Seminar, Ottawa

Less than three weeks after the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association conference in Banff a much smaller activity will take place in Ottawa. This is the 18th Canadian Regional Seminar. It brings together about 60 federal, provincial and territorial members for discussion of matters of common interest. This year the theme is "Parliamentary Government in an Age of Restraint". The programme for the seminar including some possible questions for discussion is outlined below.

First Session Internal Economy Committees: A Comparative Perspective

Every legislature has a Committee with responsibility for internal administration. This session will compare the various structures and operation of the various committees. How much autonomy do they have? To what extent have they been successful in reducing expenditures? What reforms are required.

Second Session: The Size of Legislatures

Several jurisdictions have considered capping or even reducing the size of their legislatures. This session will focus on the issue of whether the number of seats can be fixed or reduced. Who would benefit and who would suffer from keeping legislatures at their present size or smaller. If size cannot be reduced is the present redistribution process satisfactory.

Thirds Session: ns and Benefits

A number of provinces have recently re-examined the issue of remuneration for elected officials. Is there a better way to determine a fair value for the work involved and to make changes as required over the years. Should more legislators be part-time member and thus able to augment their income from other sources.

Fourth Session: Highway for Parliamentarians?

During the 1970s and 1980s many legislative services were computerized, often at considerable cost. What lessons have been learned from initial experience with computer technology? Are there ways to make technology more cost effective. Today the emphasis is on information and communication technology. This session will focus on what is being done or contemplated in such areas as videoconferencing, E-Mail, databanks, etc. Will information technology eventually effect the way parliamentarians and legislators interact with their constituents, with each other?

Fifth Session: Controlling the Deficit: Is There a Role for Parliamentarians

As governments have grown and become more complex it has become more difficult for legislatures to hold the Executive accountable for financial management. What can legislators do to help reduce the debt? Should the practice of deeming estimates adopted at a certain date be reconsidered? Should consideration be given to some sort of legislation or constitutional amendment to require balanced budgets?

For each session there will be two or more lead speakers each of whom will have about 15 minutes to introduce the topic. This will be followed by general discussion.

The purpose of the seminar is to offer an opportunity for parliamentarians, particularly newly elected ones, to reflect upon specific issues related to their unique profession.

New Lieutenant Governors for Saskatchewan and Nova Scotia

John Edward Wiebe was sworn into office on May 31, 1994 as Saskatchewan's 18th Lieutenant Governor.

Mr. Wiebe was born in 1936 at Herbert, Saskatchewan. He received his education at Herbert Elementary and High Schools, Luther College, Regina and the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon.

In 1969 Mr. Wiebe and his wife, Ann received a Master Farm Family Award. From 1970 to 1985 he was President and owner of L & W Feeders Ltd. He has played an active role in Saskatchewan Co-operatives serving as chair of the Main Centre Wheat Pool Committee, Member of the Board of the Herbert Credit Union, chair of the Herbert Co-op, and Saskatchewan Co-operative Advisory Board. He has served on the Board of Directors of Sask Power Corporation and VIA Rail Canada Inc. as well as serving on the Federal Department of Agriculture Trade Commission to China and the Canadian Wheat Board Trade Commission to Brazil.

Mr. Wiebe has played an active role in his community serving as founding member and secretary-treasurer of the Herbert Ferry Regional Park, Herbert Lion's Club, and Rush Lake Multiple 4-H Club, senior hockey coach and referee. He served as Member of the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan from 1971 to 1979 for the Morse constituency.

He is a member of the Canadian Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (Saskatchewan Branch).

John James Kinley was appointed as Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia by Prime Minister Jean Chrétien on May 24, 1994.

Born in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, in 1925, Mr. Kinley is a professional engineer and businessman. He is Chairman of Lunenburg & Engineering Ltd., President of Lunenburg Marine Railway Company, and owner of Interlaken Farm.

Mr. Kinley had wartime service in the Canadian Merchant Navy and the Canadian Navy, from which he later retired as a Lieutenant Commander. He has an outstanding record of public service in veterans organizations, business and professional associations, and community groups. He has served as a member of the Canadian Military Colleges Advisory Board, a member of the Atlantic Development Council, and National President of the Navy League of Canada. Mr. Kinley and his wife Grace live in Lunenburg.

Canadian Parliamentary Review Cover
Vol 17 no 3

Last Updated: 2020-09-14